Denise, this one is placed about ten months after "Best Friends" and it will be followed by "Absence", which deals mostly with Ed and his side of the equation. "Soul Mates" follows "Absence". I took Louise's advice and numbered the stories on my website and on FanFiction. I know they are going to change, but it's not a big deal to renumber them.
My muse likes to jump all over the place!
Louise, one of the things I admired about Ed was his dedication to his principles. He wouldn't tolerate a glass ceiling attitude from anyone.

Judging a person by their gender was another thing I never understood.
Ed doesn't really come to terms with his feelings for Ginny until the next story!
Ginny will discover just how incomaptible she is with Paul later in the story, as well as realizing the reason she is bothering with him.
Paul does get his, but not in a mean way. This is a turning point for him, one of several that will take him to the place of maturity where he ended up in "Expecting". His attitude changes over the next two years.