Matt Colonel Offline Everyone at SHADO drinks coffee! Posts: 2391 Location: Coventry, RI Re: FDK Silver Star Reply #15 - Jul 20th, 2010 at 1:12pm Print Post Okay let me try this again, my mouse pointer went MIA! > Louise, you've got me in stiches! Yes I feel like I'm writting in a very small cigar box! The one on Ed's desk! The problem is that I have to make a character do something that she normaly wouldn't do, that's why I'm showing her in confustion, and of course Foster is going to play the guilt trip card on her! > But I do have a solution! At least it's something I can picture. I'm still thinking about how Craig's death affects Ed, I think that is going to be touched on heavy in "Absence" as this is going to dive deep into Ed's feelings, not only about Ginny, but about all the grief and loss he has suffered taking over SHADO. I don't think it would work trying to squeeze it in here. Now how Ed repairs SID by himself, will be covered. What do you mean, we're out of coffee! WWW IP Logged
Lightcudder Colonel Offline Trust no one. Posts: 1311 Location: Here. When you least expect it Re: FDK Silver Star Reply #16 - Jul 20th, 2010 at 1:24pm Print Post Yes.. Matt opens up his computer. 'Everyone at Shado drinks earl grey tea.' 'Voice Print Identification Positive. White. Matthew . Zero zero four' The room descended as Matthew squeezed himself into the tiny cigar box and began typing. One day, one day soon he would be able to afford a better place than this...maybe a tea chest, or even, if he won the lottery (wonderful thought!) a travel chest! with leather straps and decent hinges! Until then, he was here, trapped in this secret underworld hoping that the enemy would not find his hiding place. > looking forward to more story.. ! I need some air. WWW IP Logged
Matt Colonel Offline Everyone at SHADO drinks coffee! Posts: 2391 Location: Coventry, RI Re: FDK Silver Star Reply #17 - Jul 20th, 2010 at 1:31pm Print Post I love Earl Grey tea! Just think, if I got the trunk, I'd have room for Ginny! I could make room for her in the cigar box that could be kinda cozy! At least she wouldn't end up with Paul! Okay I'm writting more, got to bring in the baddies! What do you mean, we're out of coffee! WWW IP Logged
Neesierie Ex Member Re: FDK Silver Star Reply #18 - Jul 21st, 2010 at 12:09pm Print Post Nice alien attack and Moonbase defense, Matt! Woo-hoo! One quibble. If the window shattered, Ginny would have been pulled out before Paul reached her. You might want to have him get to her before then. IP Logged
Matt Colonel Offline Everyone at SHADO drinks coffee! Posts: 2391 Location: Coventry, RI Re: FDK Silver Star Reply #19 - Jul 21st, 2010 at 1:04pm Print Post I always wondered how the baddies missed all the time. I figured I'd let then score for a change! I did a bit of research on explosive decompression before I wrote this. At full atmosphereric pressure I agree, she would have been sucked out. But the pressure integrity had already been compromised and the pressure was probably only two or three psi when the window blew. (Normal pressure is 14 psi.) And she was on the otherside of the dome partily shielded by the center console. Maybe I may need to clarify that in the dialogue that follows. I'll go back later and see if I can explain it a little better. Thanks! What do you mean, we're out of coffee! WWW IP Logged
Lightcudder Colonel Offline Trust no one. Posts: 1311 Location: Here. When you least expect it Re: FDK Silver Star Reply #20 - Jul 21st, 2010 at 1:19pm Print Post Uh Oh Ginny... classic mistake..falling for the guy who saved you! Decompression is nasty! My Space Scientist daughter gave me graphic descriptions of what happens to a body in space..yuck. Not a pretty sight. (eyeballs... blood vessels....lungs...... don't go there!) Glad Ginny survived! I need some air. WWW IP Logged
Matt Colonel Offline Everyone at SHADO drinks coffee! Posts: 2391 Location: Coventry, RI Re: FDK Silver Star Reply #21 - Jul 21st, 2010 at 1:52pm Print Post I'd be curious to hear her opinion on survivablity in a vacuum as the research I did indicated that it was possible for brief peroids i.e. thirty seconds or less. Side effects included aches and pains like the bends, popped blood vessels, lung trauma if you hold your breath. That's why I opted for a gradual reduction in pressure before the window blew. Exposure to vacuum may require treatment in a hyperbaric chamber so I may need to rewrite the sick bay scene. More research required here! Always fun! What do you mean, we're out of coffee! WWW IP Logged
Neesierie Ex Member Re: FDK Silver Star Reply #22 - Jul 21st, 2010 at 1:59pm Print Post Oooh! I've always dreamed of getting to use a hyperbaric chamber! Not! : That's it, Matt. Make her suffer! IP Logged
Matt Colonel Offline Everyone at SHADO drinks coffee! Posts: 2391 Location: Coventry, RI Re: FDK Silver Star Reply #23 - Jul 21st, 2010 at 2:12pm Print Post I know, Louise does it to Ed all the time! It always makes for a good story though. Yeah, I think she's going to be a hurtin' puppy for a while, I got to ride that moment of weakness for all it's worth! Everyone in life is entitled to one really increadibly stupid screwup! Ginny is about to make her's. I like to idea of using the chamber, I might have to go back and edit that! What do you mean, we're out of coffee! WWW IP Logged
Lightcudder Colonel Offline Trust no one. Posts: 1311 Location: Here. When you least expect it Re: FDK Silver Star Reply #24 - Jul 21st, 2010 at 3:14pm Print Post I believe the fine blood vesssels around your eyes tend to burst first.. so she would have black eyes, and probably a bad nose bleed. Vacuum is probably survivable for a brief time... as you say with empty lungs most likely.. but I wouldn't want to try it! Also .. extreme cold might be a factor? YOu could 'cop out' adn have her put on a partial pressure suit very quickly? I need some air. WWW IP Logged
Lightcudder Colonel Offline Trust no one. Posts: 1311 Location: Here. When you least expect it Re: FDK Silver Star Reply #25 - Jul 23rd, 2010 at 7:01am Print Post Chapter 4 I like the way Ginny is being sensible (almost too sensible) about the relationship between her and Paul.. does she want Ed to find out? Hmm... does she want it to be disapproved? that would solve her emotional problems!" And what will Ed do... as the one in Command.. he could put a stop to this relationship before it gets any further.. oooopps ... he probably assumes that it has got further. Oh dear. Poor Ginny Poor Ed. and in a way.. poor Paul.. is Ginny simply using him as a means to make Ed jealous? I need some air. WWW IP Logged
Lightcudder Colonel Offline Trust no one. Posts: 1311 Location: Here. When you least expect it Re: FDK Silver Star Reply #26 - Jul 23rd, 2010 at 9:24am Print Post Found this..while researching for my Interceptor pilots.. no, they won't suffer from decompression! Gastrointestinal Tract During Rapid Decompression. One of the potential dangers during a rapid decompression is the expansion of gases within body cavities. The abdominal distress during rapid decompression is usually no more severe than that which might occur during slower decompression. Nevertheless, abdominal distention, when it does occur, may have several important effects. The diaphragm is displaced upward by the expansion of trapped gas in the stomach, which can retard respiratory movements. Distention of these abdominal organs may also stimulate the abdominal branches of the vagus nerve, resulting in cardiovascular depression, and if severe enough, cause a reduction in blood pressure, unconsciousness, and shock. Usually, abdominal distress can be relieved after a rapid decompression by the passage of excess gas. OOps ... keep away from Ginny! I need some air. WWW IP Logged
Neesierie Ex Member Re: FDK Silver Star Reply #27 - Jul 23rd, 2010 at 11:41am Print Post Louise! You're ridiculous! (Thanks for sharing your particular brand of insanity with us!) Matt! Interesting thinking where Ginny is concerned. And a neat way around the entire Paul issue, isn't it? Done in by gossip then, is she? Poor Ginny! IP Logged
Matt Colonel Offline Everyone at SHADO drinks coffee! Posts: 2391 Location: Coventry, RI Re: FDK Silver Star Reply #28 - Jul 23rd, 2010 at 1:07pm Print Post Denise, I've been thinking about this for a long time, as Ed has said the only thing that travels faster than light is gossip! Gossip can be murder, guilty until proven innocent. I never did understand the double standard between men and women regarding sexual behavior. Guys got way too much latitude! I can't help it I'm old fashioned! Mama must have raised me right! Louise I'm still rolling on the floor with your comment regarding decomperssion! You're too funny! Ginny isn't even thinking about Ed right now but she will later on when the implications sink in. What do you mean, we're out of coffee! WWW IP Logged
Lightcudder Colonel Offline Trust no one. Posts: 1311 Location: Here. When you least expect it Re: FDK Silver Star Reply #29 - Jul 23rd, 2010 at 2:30pm Print Post Oh, very nice Matt. Love Ed's opinion of Paul and how he deals with Henderson's threats. a very perceptive piece of writing! Glass ceiling as usual.. it existed a lot more then, and you deal with it very well. Looking forward to seeing how this pans out! And does Ed realise that GInny is the one for him? Does she go for second ( well, fourth actually) best? > AND does Paull get his comeuppance!! I need some air. WWW IP Logged