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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) July's challenge (Read 11919 times)
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July's challenge
Jun 9th, 2010 at 7:53pm
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Louise and I were gabbing about the summer camp program I'm involved in, and she said something about kids at HS Studios that got me thinking.  So, how about the next challenge story being about a kid (doesn't have to be a group!) at the studio finding their way by accident into HQ.  Any kid, any plot; just have them there and get them into trouble.   Wink  Sound like fun to you guys?   Cool  It shouldn't be hard to do.  Most of us have kids or were kids once, so it's not like the subject matter is way out there.  And you could have FUN!   Cheesy  Challenge story due by July 31.
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Re: July's challenge
Reply #1 - Jun 9th, 2010 at 8:13pm
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Drat. I shouldn't have posted Break Time should I? >Sad

oh well.

I'll try try mind you, to do a light-hearted story for once! I'll keep Ed out of hospital, Kiss ALec cheerful and sober Wink and Paul....well, Paul in traction! Roll Eyes
But I'm not promising anything! Cheesy

Hey guys.. My turn to plan the August Challenge...snigger snigger snigger! Grin

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Re: July's challenge
Reply #2 - Jun 9th, 2010 at 8:19pm
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That's right!  You already did a kid in HQ story, didn't you?  Well, none of us can compete with that one, so you'll just have to do something else.   Wink

Love you!  Cheesy
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Re: July's challenge
Reply #3 - Jun 9th, 2010 at 8:25pm
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Oh I will!!!!  Get the hospital bed ready for Ed pencil sharpened Louise!


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We need to defend ourselves...

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Re: July's challenge
Reply #4 - Jun 9th, 2010 at 9:09pm
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Same premise as 'Thunderbirds - Security Hazard'
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Re: July's challenge
Reply #5 - Jun 10th, 2010 at 3:58am
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What was that?  A Thunderbirds episode?  Not all of us here watched the puppet shows.  Did they have a kid getting into wherever they have their base?
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Re: July's challenge
Reply #6 - Jun 10th, 2010 at 7:11am
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Yeah, but as far as I can recall it was one of those episodes where they save money and rehash old episodes. I could be wrong though.
I already have an idea for my story!

I'll probably change it though.. knowing me! Wink

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Re: July's challenge
Reply #7 - Jun 10th, 2010 at 10:52am
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denisefelt wrote on Jun 10th, 2010 at 3:58am:
What was that?  A Thunderbirds episode?  Not all of us here watched the puppet shows.  Did they have a kid getting into wherever they have their base?

Yep: Thunderbird 2 is attending a Fire at a Mine in England, the Mine Controller (Widowed) put's his son, Chip, to bed then goes back to the mine.

Chip, excited by all the activity looks out of his window and sees that the Pod ramp is down and the craft unattended.

he stows away and is transported back to Tracy Island where he is discovered.

The Tracy boys, supposed to be guarding him, end up telling him (in flashback) of some of their adventures (End of the Road, Day of Disaster, Sunprobe and Trapped in the Sky.

Confronted with the security risk, Jeff hits on the idea of putting Chip to bed (he's been awake for nearly 24 hours so must be very tired), transferring his bed to TB2, then flying him home and putting him back in his own bed so when he wakes up he'll think the whole adventure has been a dream.

There's also the story 'Give of Take a Million' where a trip to Tracy Island is the prize in a draw for the children of a Childrens' Hospital

Or even 'Cry Wolf', where children playing at 'International Rescue' call out the real Thunderbirds, so Scott takes them back to show him the sort of trouble that a hoax call could cause. The story gets into the papers and the Hood realises that the boys' father is in possession of vital (and valuable) intelligence material.

You've missed a treat - Thunderbirds was a staple of my Sunday Lunchtime viewing back in the 70s
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Re: July's challenge
Reply #8 - Jun 10th, 2010 at 12:48pm
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My hubby still loves it.  He watched all of them.  But I'd never heard of Gerry Anderson before UFO.  And after UFO, nothing else really mattered . . . although all the Star Treks were very cool, X-Files, and Firefly . . .  I'm picky about my sci-fi the same way I am about everything, I guess!  Cool
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Re: July's challenge
Reply #9 - Jun 10th, 2010 at 12:59pm
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No Denise... you're just picky about your men!! Grin

If Thunderbirds had had real actors ...well... you might never have got into UFO!  Shocked

I feel the same way!
Still like Thunderbirds, but I can't forget that they are puppets..... ooooopps ...running away to hide from the TB Fanatics...

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Re: July's challenge
Reply #10 - Jun 10th, 2010 at 1:16pm
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I could picture the two of you sparring over Virgil (in a friendly way of course).  Wink

What do you mean, we're out of coffee!
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Re: July's challenge
Reply #11 - Jun 10th, 2010 at 1:34pm
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Denise can have him.  Grin

As long as I don't get stuck with Alan or Jeff, or PArker!!!  (why is there no smilie for being violently sick?)
I'd be happy with Scott.

(I think Denise might like VIrgil.... leaves me free to concentrate on someone else!)

Snigger snigger Snigger snigger  Snigger snigger snigger snigger

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Re: July's challenge
Reply #12 - Jun 10th, 2010 at 2:13pm
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denisefelt wrote on Jun 10th, 2010 at 12:48pm:
My hubby still loves it.  He watched all of them.  But I'd never heard of Gerry Anderson before UFO.  And after UFO, nothing else really mattered . . . although all the Star Treks were very cool, X-Files, and Firefly . . .  I'm picky about my sci-fi the same way I am about everything, I guess!  Cool

What about Space:1999 (Yr 1), with Martin Landau and Barry Morse with such luminaries as Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee?
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Re: July's challenge
Reply #13 - Jun 10th, 2010 at 5:59pm
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OMG!  You actually asked about The Show That Must Not Be Named?!  Shocked  Shhh!  We don't talk about that one here.  It was so dreadful -- and so many fans lumped UFO in with it (which was so unfair!)  Let's talk about something else, ok?  Something that won't have people foaming at the mouth!  Roll Eyes
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We need to defend ourselves...

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Re: July's challenge
Reply #14 - Jun 10th, 2010 at 7:14pm
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I think there must be some confusion here: I'm talking about Year 1 of Space:1999; the year of proper Characters such as Professor Bergman, no shape-shifting Aliens and definitely no Fred Freiberger!

You do know that Space:1999 arose from the abortive second season of UFO?
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