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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) July's challenge (Read 11932 times)
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Re: July's challenge
Reply #15 - Jun 10th, 2010 at 7:22pm
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Yes, and that's another reason we don't speak of it.  If That Show is any barometer, what a mess they'd have made of it if UFO had continued!!!!  Shocked
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Re: July's challenge
Reply #16 - Jun 10th, 2010 at 7:28pm
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I poked fun at that series in Soul Mates! Smiley

(Matt ducks and covers, very quickly!) Wink

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Re: July's challenge
Reply #17 - Jun 10th, 2010 at 7:35pm
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I hated it.
But it appealed to a lot of people, just as people who liked Thunderbirds did, or didn't, like Captain Scarlet

It was much slicker than UFO and they'd obviously learned a lot about producing a programme, but Barbra Bain drove me mad.
I preferred Terrrahawks.. which I only saw a few times!

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Re: July's challenge
Reply #18 - Jun 10th, 2010 at 7:50pm
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denisefelt wrote on Jun 10th, 2010 at 7:22pm:
Yes, and that's another reason we don't speak of it.  If That Show is any barometer, what a mess they'd have made of it if UFO had continued!!!!  Shocked

I think the major problem was the involvement of ITC New York.
There were also a lot of production problems including runaway Inflation and widespread Industrial Unrest -  the UK Economy nearly Tanked in the Winter of 1974.
Finally, Gerry And Sylvia's marriage finally hit the rocks so it's not surprising that they took their eye off the ball.

I admit that some of the stories (particularly most of Year 2 with wall-to-wall BEMs) were dire but there was a lot of good work put into that show (the model work reached a pinnacle and Barry Gray was on top form).
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Re: July's challenge
Reply #19 - Jun 10th, 2010 at 8:16pm
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I hadn't realised that the Andersons split up around then.  Wonder if that had  any effect on the production of UFO? 

Were the Eagle Transporters part of Space 1999? Absolutely fabulous vehicles if I remember correctly. The programme had some really good points, but I found the whole premise totally unbelievable and a lot of the actors very poor.
Even as a rabid Sci-fi fan who could accept most ideas..... UFOs travelling at SOL 8, planes at Mach 5, I'm afraid that the Moon blasting out of orbit was simply too far-fetched.
I kept wondering how Earth was getting along without tides, etc... adn how the Alphans managed without sunlight ? or heat! (I was absolutely staggered how blooming cold it got at the last eclipse when the sun was partially hidden for a few minutes!)

so the programme didn't really grab me And here were no really attractive actors in it either.. male or female as far as I can remember.. and that's going back a long long time!

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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: July's challenge
Reply #20 - Jun 10th, 2010 at 8:30pm
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Yes the Eagles were great!  Smiley And your right, an explosion of that magnitude would have probabaly blown the moon to bits. And the ramification on Earth would have been staggering as well! The whole concept was a wee bit of a reach. But I liked it as a kid!  Smiley


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Re: July's challenge
Reply #21 - Jun 12th, 2010 at 12:32pm
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So, I've started my kid story.  I got the BEST idea during the night!  Smiley

Has anyone else gotten any inklings yet?  Smiley
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Re: July's challenge
Reply #22 - Jun 12th, 2010 at 1:44pm
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Well I DID have a good idea... but I used it up in Break TIme! Sod!
I did think of something else... but I will have to really consider whether it would work.... Hmmmm

Busy here right now painting a racing car ( Jenson Buttons) and watching Flight Path as well as posting!

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Re: July's challenge
Reply #23 - Jun 12th, 2010 at 2:38pm
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What is Jenson Buttons?  And is it a real racing car or a toy?
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Re: July's challenge
Reply #24 - Jun 12th, 2010 at 2:57pm
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Jenson Button is the British Grand Prix racing driver FOrmula One and current WOrld Champion!
Its a real car, at Barcelona.I'll scan it and send you a copy, although I'm doing it A3 so it won't come out well. i'm doing it because I want to get the heat haze effect in the background.
This post has nothing to do with the challenge! Sorry!

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Re: July's challenge
Reply #25 - Jun 28th, 2010 at 5:37pm
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Say, Louise!  Why don't you use Break Time as your challenge story for July?  There's no rules that say you can't.  And it meets the criteria.  We don't care if you wrote it before the challenge was issued!  It was an awesome story and would look great alongside our efforts.  What do you say?  Cool
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Re: July's challenge
Reply #26 - Jun 28th, 2010 at 6:04pm
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Errrr.... I wrote Missing Persons for July...  Can I put two stories in?? Snigger! Grin

At least I think July's challenge was the child one... Perhaps I should do a challenge where you have to write a story involving time travel....... then Break Time would count.
I'm not posting Break Time on my site or the library etc until August, after Missing Persons. then it will be Castled in Sept, and AfterMath in Oct.
By then I will, hopefully have a couple more Rachel stories done,as well as the Dark Matter's' stories.
I've had to put AfterMath back as it mentions moving Paul Foster to Warton so I have had to alter the stories that follow! Angry

I've had to create a database to plot where each story is and where I have posted it. !! Cheesy
I need to get a life!!

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Re: July's challenge
Reply #27 - Jun 29th, 2010 at 1:49pm
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OMG!  I forgot that Missing Persons was the child story!  Shocked

And Ed was such a sweet child too!  Kiss

But I really enjoyed Break Time.  Can you put it in under a pen name?  Roll Eyes  (Kidding!  I'm kidding!)
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