Sounds wonderful! Editing is such a fun job! Since I nearly had a double major in both Nuclear Physics and English, I do my own editing when I write. Grammatical errors drive me crazy!

Sadly, my beta tester daughter needs spell-check constantly! (I don't know where my genes went with her sometimes!) Seriously though, she has written her own murder mystery novel and is currently looking for an agent. Why use her as a beta tester if I don't need the editor (you may ask)? Well, the truth is that she always catches it when I leap way over my readers heads and leave them spinning in the dust wondering how I got from point A to point B! :

Which I used to do a lot more often that I do now. She's training me well.

And since I raised her to be read aloud to, she simply loves it when I read my stories to her as I write them. It's a win-win situation!
I don't remember Voyage well, since my childhood memories are sparse (except for watching UFO!) And I haven't seen the Pretender at all, although it looks interesting, so I may have to check it out. But I think you can tell by now that I
love UFO!

Even more than Star Trek, which I have been a fan of since TOS. In fact, several of my UFO stories may seem to be a bit of a crossover with ST, since I
steal use so many references from that universe. But, no. I have not yet written my own UFO/ST crossover. Although I hope to one day. :

Deb's UFO/ST:TOS crossover truly inspired me, but since I prefer Picard to Kirk (don't hit me, Deb!), I think I'd like to do a UFO/ST:TNG crossover. I just haven't come up with a plot for it yet. I hope that being on this forum will soon inspire you to finish the stories you're writing. We'd love to read them!