God, I feel so bad now about letting Alec die in my Hewett series. At least it wasn't at the hands of the aliens, and he didn't die alone.
Blue Shrew has been known to stalk authors with a big stick if they as much give Alec a scratch.
Actually I firmly believe that other than following the basics of good writing, nobody should allow any other person, people or style to dictate to them what defines a good UFO story. Creativity doesn't only come in one color. People bash Straker and Alec in stories, or they use them in pornography, or they write them in what seems to
ME to be too far removed from how Straker and Alec were in the series, or more accurately how I interpreted them to be. That doesn't mean my opinion is the only one that counts or that the writers are WRONG. That's my personal feeling. If a person dictates to others, to me that's more about ego than anything else. Nobody watched UFO in the same way. We see things through our own eyes. That means we see things based on how we grew up, what we like, what we hate, what our own experiences have been. Ed Bishop could have had an itchy butt and so Straker walked that way.
Straker stood with his arms wrapped around himself and touched and toyed with objects, so I reached a conclusion. Sure, I reached it through my own understanding of psychology but that doesn't make me right. I'm interpreting it because I project my own isolation, my own loneliness, my own need for tactile stimuli to Straker. It's up to a reader to say, "Hey, wow, I never thought of that" or "FAIL!"
Although I take writing seriously, I know enough to determine that there's a reader for every story. Hell, even my own teachers said 'learn the basics, then throw them out!" and Edward Wellen (
name dropping yes ) was among my teachers. That made me fortunate, that didn't make me the best. I'm rewriting the Silk Wood Manor stories both to have fun but also to improve on them. Never really be sorry that you killed poor Alec
or that you write and enjoy non-canon stuff. My husband and I put canon stuff in Maelstrom, but neither of us claim we do canon. We like some canon (what we
personally see as canon ) stuff. Never limit yourself. Explore. You're a writer. You're doing what many people don't even understand, many aren't capable of it. Be unique whenever you can. Writing is work, but it's wonderful, too. You create characters. You bring them to life. Be proud of it, no matter what others may say. That confidence is tough to develop, but it'll come through in your work. I remember a teacher telling me "You have to like your characters, even the bad guys"
and while I'm on the rented soapbox, other than giving warning for adult material, language, violence etc. that's IT. Reading is discovery. Readers are intelligent people. If they need road maps they can go where they'll find stories set up that way. I was TAUGHT not to tell what I do or how I do it. I nearly was decapitated by a teacher when I finished a reading of my story (yep folks in that class homework was you write a WHOLE story, you make copies for the students and you READ IT in front of strangers (fellow writing students)
So I read it. The class ASSAULTED me with questions!!
I opened my mouth and the teacher said to me aloud SHUT UP and LISTEN. Afterwards he called my story a force majeure (I may not have that spelled right) and when class ended this student came up to me and had me sign the copy of my story. I think that night I realized I was a writer. Even remembering that brings me to tears. I had a shitty childhood in which few people appreciated me. My husband changed all that.
That shity childhood is what helps me write. Am I really good?
heck no giggle. I need all kinds of improvement!!! Deborah and Nans are witness to that
I nearly quit writing. No more. You're stuck with me.
(gets pushed off soapbox by husband)