Hi Louise,
Quote:Responsibility Seat... in his house.. wondering.. is Straker really 'lusting' after Jo Fraser, or is his whole demeanor really because he is thinking of her as a security risk?
I said it before, if that is how Straker "lusts" after someone, he definitely is not beddable
That's absolutely ice cold, and that kiss is, err, well, I get chilblains just from watching...
Quote:And in QofP.. his attitude and behavious and responses to the whole situation .. controlled to the 'n'th degree.. because that is the only way he can deal with what has happened. but also his emotions break free occasionally... 'what home?' 'what have you done' etc.
I find it lovely to watch how he lets his hair down with the boy. And the way his wife takes the fight out of him when he brings the boy back, the total helplessness there, that's pretty heartrending to watch. Also that one scene when he realizes it's Rutland and not Straker as the last name. He totally loses it in those scenes, no way to control that.
Quote:I am 'studying' the episodes more closely now, instead of seeing what I expect to see and in a way what I want to see.
Oh yes
Quote:Foster in Res Seat , surprised me with his maturity.. because I hadn't actively
looked for that before.
Yeah, quite the competent action guy in that episode.
Quote: but hairy chests? Still a definite no no!
Laughing hard. That's prolly because you never really had one to play with
