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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Loony Tunes (Read 14710 times)

Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: Loony Tunes
Reply #15 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 12:39am
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dragonhavn wrote on Aug 15th, 2010 at 9:23pm:
(No, I'm not a democrat or a republican ... they're all crooks! LOL)

I'm all about that! LOL Cheesy

Daffy Duck
Donald Duck
Both a couple of quackers! Grin

What do you mean, we're out of coffee!
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Re: Loony Tunes
Reply #16 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 4:46am
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Hi Matt,

well, I wasn't under the impression that even a prez can so easily avoid answering to a board of inquiry.

As it was, the whole affair harmed the reputation and esteem of the USA in the eyes of the Europeans (and I might tender the rest of the planet as well) quite immensely. It wasn't Clinton who was ridiculed by this here (to the day he is in very high standing over here), it was the USA and the American population who rooted for what went on there, that were.

I mean, jeez, a full blown inquiry board to check up on who gave whom a blow job?! Some fanatical d**khead allowed to run rampage around oval office for his puritanic beliefs? And all that at the heart of the so-called mightiest political power of the planet?

That sort of thing was and still is hard to swallow (pardon the pun).  Shocked

In hindsight, looking at just how the Clintons' marriage had worked out, it gets pretty clear that all this had been overbearing, none of anyone's business and wrong. :Smiley

Hi d.,

where in that tree would Michael Jackson fit in then? Ah, there are a couple of nice Jacksons around. Love the Daniel one myself (original Spader in the movie).
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Re: Loony Tunes
Reply #17 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 1:55pm
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It doesn't surprise me in the least that the Europeans didn't get it.  It is well known that the US as a whole has higher moral standards than the rest of the world.  We're happy to be that way!
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Re: Loony Tunes
Reply #18 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 2:09pm
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Excuse ME!  Higher moral standards? Shocked

Clinton.....Nixon..... ( who I liked!) ...Kennedy.. some of your presidents make our recent 'kerpuffle' over allowances seem positively tame! (and no Prime ministers were involved!). Wink
no cigars either! Grin

Actually, I don't think we'd stand for a two-timing Prime Minister... But some of ours hang on in there for a little too long!

I need some air.
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Re: Loony Tunes
Reply #19 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 2:17pm
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Did you like Nixon?  Me too!  Cheesy 
(But I wasn't referring to Presidents when I spoke of morality.  I was referring to the populous as a whole.)
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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: Loony Tunes
Reply #20 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 2:32pm
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Warren Harding took the coconut for lack of morals! And JFK was just as bad! >Sad

My opinion has always been, that when you are in public office, you are held to a higher standard! Wink

The whole Clinton thing was a total embarresment for the country, from start to finish. Sad

Louise, I liked Nixon too, had he not got caught up in Watergate, he would have gone down in history as one of our better presidents. He was a big proponent of the space program, and his diplomatic mission to China opened the door to normalized relations with the western world. Smiley

Speaking of Nixon, Jeff Stone had an interesting UFO story based on what happened durring the 18 minutes of the tapes that were missing! Roll Eyes I'd like to see him finish it one day! Wink

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Re: Loony Tunes
Reply #21 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 2:34pm
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Yes Nixon.. Liked him.
Don't really think much of your current one though! Shocked

(not on a political level- don't know enough about Republicans/Democrats.. just who seems good and who doesn't!)

OOOps.. will the FBI come and take me away now?

Knock at the door...........


(Liked Reagan!) (and I allowed to say that?!)

Our new one is doing okay here... still early days though!

I need some air.
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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: Loony Tunes
Reply #22 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 2:44pm
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Nah, FBI has no jusistiction over there! Grin I liked Reagen as well!  Smiley The only president I voted for! (In all the other elections I find myself voting against someone not for someone, I hate politics!)

"Listen Jack, I'm a politician, that means I'm a cheat and a liar, and when I'm not kissing babies, I'm stealing their lolipops. But it also means, that I keep my options open."

I know I've quoted that before but it just fits so well! Cheesy

"Hey Ryan, be cafeful what you shoot at. Some things in here don't react well to bullets." Cheesy

Love that movie! Smiley


What do you mean, we're out of coffee!
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Re: Loony Tunes
Reply #23 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 2:47pm
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L: The FBI only snarfs US citizens so no worries.

Gah ... I liked Nixon because his opponent didn't have enough sense to talk out of both sides of his mouth on TV in back to back spots ... you cannot be all things to all people. LOL. Nixon would have been fine had his paranoia not caught up with him. Hang the Watergate guys out to dry because it was a stupid, stupid, stupid thing to have done. Especially when they were winning anyway ... totty headed.

Bush ... is beginning to look intelligent in comparison to the person who doesn't seem to know what he is doing, or supposed to be doing.  Cry

Just GAH!

G: unfortunately, the US is far more entertained by sexual pedcadillos than actual political malfeasance. Something about those idiot puritans who helped frame our moral processes ... sometimes to the detriment of our intelligence processes (and I am not talking MI or CIA here ... or am I  Shocked

Oooo ... bet I get an FBI file for that. LOL.

(technically, having been friends in high school with card carrying members of Students for a Democratic Society, I probably had one for a while ... < Grin  Cheesy ) That was a looooonnnnnnnggggg time ago.

I should probably slink off now. They seem to want me to work.

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Re: Loony Tunes
Reply #24 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 2:55pm
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It is well known that the US as a whole has higher moral standards than the rest of the world.  We're happy to be that way!

That would be double standards then? Given that e.g. the US is the country producing 95% of the world's hardcore porn.

Sorry, really, that whole stuff and quite some other puritan-sex-related hang-ups within the US is, from a European's vantage point , not morals as in "ethical", it's morals as in "childishly priggish" and comes over as rather immature.

How any nation could tolerate for even one day the persecution of their president for having a little on the side is really beyond most here.

My opinion has always been, that when you are in public office, you are held to a higher standard!

I agree - up to a point. That quite simply doesn't include the sex-life of that person for me. I vote for a politician and his agenda, I don't vote for his d**g to be general business of everone.  Grin

As to morals - I accept the prez of a country falling over a case of embezzling money, or being bought by lobbyists, or something like Watergate, or creating a war through outright lies (you had two of those quite recently), but not over a blow-job or a mistress.

What I find interesting is that it always were the epicurean presidents of the US who did a lot of good, whereas the priggish ones ended up creating blood and tears.
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Re: Loony Tunes
Reply #25 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 2:55pm
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G: unfortunately, the US is far more entertained by sexual pedcadillos than actual political malfeasance. Something about those idiot puritans who helped frame our moral processes ... sometimes to the detriment of our intelligence processes (and I am not talking MI or CIA here ... or am I 

I had to get the dictionary out eight times for that sentence. Grin

  Someone is getting more sleep than I am. >Sad

I did have  a relative who was in the USA and who saw Al Capone getting shot .. and hightailed it back here for safety!  the relative, not Capone!

Nah. I'm not a US citizen. Pity really. Although there are trememdous benefits to being a Brit... no tarantulas for example. as well as;  Reallly really good cheese, Marmite, Hovis bread, Worcestershire Sauce, ...... to make a cheese and MArmite butty now.  Cheesy

I need some air.
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Re: Loony Tunes
Reply #26 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 3:04pm
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... and lamb with peppermint sauce? ***bleh!***

Actually I found genuine English food quite agreeable. Orange/lemon peel marmelades are still favs with me. I balked only at the "pidgeon brains in milk"-soup  Shocked

G: unfortunately, the US is far more entertained by sexual pedcadillos than actual political malfeasance. Something about those idiot puritans who helped frame our moral processes ... sometimes to the detriment of our intelligence processes (and I am not talking MI or CIA here ... or am I  Shocked

Ever since I heard about that 9 y/o boy who got sentenced as a sex-offender (no less) and placed into custody for that, because he helped his 2 y/o sister take a pee, I ceased being impressed by any moral standards in the USA. So sorry  Roll Eyes

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Re: Loony Tunes
Reply #27 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 3:14pm
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and lamb with peppermint sauce? ***bleh!***

Actually I found genuine English food quite agreeable. Orange/lemon peel marmelades are still favs with me. I balked only at the "pidgeon brains in milk"-soup

Lamb and Mint sauce (not peppermint.. fresh mint leaves chopped finely in wine vinegar!) Delicious.. Like Roast beef and mustard!  I love cooking a whole leg of lamb in red wine with shallots, garlic and herbs... five to six hours until it falls of the bone..

Marmalades.. wonderful

NAh, Guina.. pigeon brains in milk... not here!  not even in historical recipe books! 

Although I personally have never eaten jellied eels or tripe. But Black Pudding and Haggis are fantastic! Oxtail is great as well, although it takes time to prepare!

Gosh. I'm hungry now, ...again! Sad

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We need to defend ourselves...

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Re: Loony Tunes
Reply #28 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 3:15pm
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Isn't a peccadillo the result of cross-breeding a pelican with an armadillo?
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Re: Loony Tunes
Reply #29 - Aug 16th, 2010 at 3:19pm
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pigeon brains in milk... not here!  not even in historical recipe books! 

London 1982 - VERY posh restaurant!

I love tripe, preferably "a la mode de Caen"  Grin Black pudding, haggis, oxtail - myammyam!

Lamb with mint sauce (which STILL tastes like peppermint!) is a no, not, not ever!

Lamb goes with garlic, thyme and rosemary, with runner beans and salted potatoes, and a good, dark sauce made of meat bones which simmered a few days. <slobbering here>
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