Right, normal service being resumed temporarily and all that.
I was directed to this forum by Louise - thank you

- and as I'm a chatty soul I couldn't resist joining in
I saw UFO when it was first shown in the UK. I was about 16 at the time and 16 is a vulnerable age for a girl.
<tongue-in-cheek> I was just swept away by UFO and the commanding presence of Ed Straker and I lost at least one boyfriend because of my total refusal to go out on Saturday evenings until UFO had finished. Asking if he'd mind me calling him "Ed" and demanding he cut his hair short and bleached it were probably other nails in that particular relationship coffin. Common or garden boyfriends were no loss. Missing my hour of UFO would have been intolerable.
I was already a scifi / fantasy fan via Doctor Who (the early years) Gerry Anderson puppetry, Star Trek etc, and then UFO, Blake's 7, Sapphire & Steel, Doomwatch (that was sorta tomorrow's scifi) all appealed to me.
Nowadays I love Buffy, Stargate, (new) BSG, Babylon 5, Farscape - and preposterous shows like Alias, 24 - but no single character has ever had the impact Ed Straker did.
I read lots of scifi / fantasy, I write very little. Years ago I did a few short drafts of UFO stories - but Mary Sue-ed shamelessly and embarassingly so they will never see the light of anyone else's pc screen. My trouble is that I can never find anything interesting and original enough to be a plot around which to weave potential characters.
I do write though (I entered NaNoWriMo last November and achieved about 38,000 words before the characters mutinied and went off and did their own thing off-plot) - and I have a wildlife and small-holding blog which goes with my cdh site and yes, Neesierie, I do have a website but I'm a bit wary about publishing a link here just because I'm new and also - tbh - because so many people Google their accommodation choices nowadays, I'm careful about what can be tracked back to my business life.
I've been a member of Marc's UFO group for about 12 years, haunted the Shado Library for probably the same period of time, and particularly liked work by Neesierie (I loved the Conover series), Dragon - because she wrote interesting cross-overs with shows I'd never heard of (Raven is a character I'd not encountered and liked the sound of) and also because I liked what she did with Mary Straker (a much maligned character imo!), Catherine Stewart (loved the Casterville family of characters and she had a witty, playful Straker in Cloudeye), Jessica Ramage - well, the list goes on! I'm still very disappointed that Jeff Stone didn't finish his story arc because I thought it had such potential.
So, that's a bit about me and (just!) a few of my likes and dislikes. TMI already?