Matt wrote on Jul 6
th, 2010 at 9:44pm:
You mentioned Catherine Stewart, I loved "By Invatation Only". It was a great back story for Ginny.
I remember that one and I just nipped over to the library to see if it is still there. It is. Worth a re-read I think.
dragonhavn wrote on Jul 6
th, 2010 at 8:14pm:
The Skulls of Xhia Khum has joined my other stuff at the Library.
The Skulls of... I see why you keep losing control of your vowels.

I skim read that last night before I went to bed. I'm going to have to read it properly and do some research to see how much of it is Cthulhu universe. I seem to remember you sent me off on an H P Lovecraft reccie once before.
denisefelt wrote on Jul 7
th, 2010 at 2:21am:
However, FYI, I have a new Saga with 6 stories in it that feature a certain fun Brit whose name is Louise.
I have read some of those, Denise - when I've spotted links in my SHADO message digest - but I've not read all of them so they're on my "to read" list.
As are the vast number of other stories that you're all busy writing. I cannot believe how prolific you all are - and such high quality too. It's impressive, intimidating, and very exciting and I'm just sorry I've only discovered the forum in the middle of my busiest few months.
dragonhavn wrote on Jul 7
th, 2010 at 3:38pm:
Normandie: I'm glad you can cope. When I write adult, it's really x-rated. Somehow, only the one chapter went that way, but it was definitely necessary to the plot ...
Definitely plot-relevant. And I loved the little surprise at the end.
I only object to written sex when it's in place of a plot, not when it is relevant to it. Oh, okay, I suppose I object to sex when it's badly written. But I guess Laurell K Hamilton isn't a member here so I can say that.
(I really need to find a tongue-in-cheek smiley). I am
so enjoying dipping into everyone's ongoing stories; I'm just sorry I don't have the time to do them justice at the moment.