SnowLeopard Captain Offline Where do they come from? What do they want? Posts: 187 Location: Berkshire UK Goings-on in Europe May 6th, 2022 at 11:58am Print Post Yes, that bit of Europe.. Something was mentioned about a well-known anti-semite that I wanted to check. Predictably, it turned out to be nonsense, and I note that an apology has been tendered. But in my wanderings around the Web while I tried to find out what it was all about, my meanderings took me in various directions. And I came across this: Scroll down, there are a few video links.. When I'd managed to stop , I tried to imagine our own not-so-glorious leader doing anything ilke that. I had to go and lie down for a bit. I'm not Jewish myself, but 'L'chaim'! IP Logged
DebbieJ Captain Offline Foster Forever! Posts: 144 Re: Goings-on in Europe Reply #1 - May 10th, 2022 at 12:15am Print Post Hey! How's it going, SnowLeopard? I'll check out your link later. I just feel it's sad all the way around what's happening over in Ukraine. But I was certainly surprised to find out that their president used to be an actor/comedian. Then again we had President Reagan who was an actor too. I won't even go into his politics. Needless to say I wasn't a fan. LOL! Take care! Debbie IP Logged
DebbieJ Captain Offline Foster Forever! Posts: 144 Re: Goings-on in Europe Reply #2 - May 10th, 2022 at 7:44pm Print Post Hey again, SnowLeopard, I got into that link you sent and it was very interesting. What really got me was this part on Zelensky. Shows how art can sometimes imitate life. Who would have thought... "His most prominent acting role foreshadowed his presidency. On the political satire TV show “Servant of the People,” Zelensky played a history teacher so outraged by government corruption that he runs for president — and stuns the country and himself by winning. Produced by Zelensky’s company, the show aired on Ukrainian television from 2015 to 2019, its final episode launching just weeks before Zelensky was himself elected president." Thanks for that link, I'm going to forward to some other friends. Take care! Debbie IP Logged
SnowLeopard Captain Offline Where do they come from? What do they want? Posts: 187 Location: Berkshire UK Re: Goings-on in Europe Reply #3 - May 13th, 2022 at 5:23pm Print Post Hi Debbie, good to hear from you! (BTW I'm still brewing, I've sorted the ending for my follow-up... ) Yes, I started digging around the Web for stuff about Mr Z, and it's fascinating. My attention was grabbed by this: This man is no mere comedian.... IP Logged
SnowLeopard Captain Offline Where do they come from? What do they want? Posts: 187 Location: Berkshire UK Re: Goings-on in Europe Reply #4 - May 13th, 2022 at 5:43pm Print Post Try this... IP Logged
DebbieJ Captain Offline Foster Forever! Posts: 144 Re: Goings-on in Europe Reply #5 - May 14th, 2022 at 2:07pm Print Post I tried to reply to what you just posted but didn't see a reply link only to your youtube link. But I think they should make a t-shirt out of this... "I need ammunition, not a ride." Also, I know you're still brewing and I can't wait until it's percolated. Debbie IP Logged
DebbieJ Captain Offline Foster Forever! Posts: 144 Re: Goings-on in Europe Reply #6 - May 14th, 2022 at 2:22pm Print Post That youtube link was hilarious. But I can see how he got elected President. Thanks for sharing that with me, SnowLeopard IP Logged
SnowLeopard Captain Offline Where do they come from? What do they want? Posts: 187 Location: Berkshire UK Re: Goings-on in Europe Reply #7 - May 14th, 2022 at 4:45pm Print Post Not sure what happened to the reply link. But there are t-shirts available... check your favourite 'online retailer'. I may get one! And if I had the photoshop skills, I'd put Ed and Paul in them... Also, did you see this.. IP Logged
DebbieJ Captain Offline Foster Forever! Posts: 144 Re: Goings-on in Europe Reply #8 - May 14th, 2022 at 11:42pm Print Post Yeah, I'd like to see Paul and Ed on those shirts too. Saw that link you gave me again and it looked like he was on their version of Dancing with the Stars. He's really good. Seems like he was pretty good at anything he tried. I just hate to see what he and his country's going through. Thanks again! IP Logged
SnowLeopard Captain Offline Where do they come from? What do they want? Posts: 187 Location: Berkshire UK Re: Goings-on in Europe Reply #9 - May 16th, 2022 at 3:07pm Print Post That new link shows a bit more of the routines. I'm just hoping some fan has uploaded the full version. Re t-shirts, there are also some which are, er, less than complimentary to the opposition, swapping around the initial letters of Putin and another word. I watched some of Eurovision, and I'm aware that it's not Ukr's first win; but I was intrigued to see Finland reverse its stance re Nato the very next day! Oh well, back to the brewery... IP Logged
DebbieJ Captain Offline Foster Forever! Posts: 144 Re: Goings-on in Europe Reply #10 - May 16th, 2022 at 10:31pm Print Post Yes, it was on the news tonight when I got home from work about Finland and NATO. I love how you mentioned about those t-shirts and letters being swapped of Putin's name. . Hee hee! Couldn't happen to a not so nice guy. And you keep on staying in that brewery til it's done, SnowLeopard! IP Logged
SnowLeopard Captain Offline Where do they come from? What do they want? Posts: 187 Location: Berkshire UK Re: Goings-on in Europe Reply #11 - May 20th, 2022 at 8:06pm Print Post IP Logged
SnowLeopard Captain Offline Where do they come from? What do they want? Posts: 187 Location: Berkshire UK Re: Goings-on in Europe Reply #12 - Jun 13th, 2022 at 1:49pm Print Post More than a hundred days. Who'd have thought it. Putin certainly didn't.. and now he's running out of both ammo and troops. I suspect, too, that the West didn't take our Mr Zel seriously either. The fact that he's still there, declining an offer to evacuate, should tell them something.. Come on, guys, stop faffing about and give them what they need!! In other news.. I was strolling into town, the other day, mind in idle, and all the bits of my tale started hooking up. I now have the shape and structure, just need to set it down, and give it a title. Think I'll start with a wedding :dancingparty IP Logged
DebbieJ Captain Offline Foster Forever! Posts: 144 Re: Goings-on in Europe Reply #13 - Jun 13th, 2022 at 10:41pm Print Post I agree with everything you said, SnowLeopard. It's just shameful that innocents are losing their lives over a greedy man like Putin. So... a wedding, huh? Mmmmmm. Curious. It's been a bit since I last read your story but I'm trying to think on who is getting married. I'll feel really stupid when I do eventually read it, I'm sure. IP Logged
SnowLeopard Captain Offline Where do they come from? What do they want? Posts: 187 Location: Berkshire UK Re: Goings-on in Europe Reply #14 - Jun 14th, 2022 at 9:27am Print Post There was a scene with Joan and Alec......... I'm wondering: should I put him in uniform, and if so, RAF or SHADO? Pity he's not a Scot, AFAIK! IP Logged