Guina stated
Quote:Regarding how you interpret the show, I wouldn't dream of interfering with how you do that. It's very clear your take is quite a way off mine. You're absolutely free to do what you wish. Just don't expect me to agree AND don't expect me not to propose a different stance.
Absolutely. My personal take on UFO and the characters is wildly different from everyone elses viewpoint. After all we all live as the centre of our own world don't we, so naturally our individual viewpoints are skewed from the start. (solipstic universe?)
there are UFO fans who like The Long Sleep .. I think it's dire, and who hate Kill Straker ..which, I think, despite the plot holes and poor acting, is the best episode.
So we all differ. The point is that we should be able to reason our points of view and learn from others viewpoints. Who knows, you might , if you give me enough valid, sensible arguements ( and I mean reasoned ones!) be able to convince me to like ( I wil never 'love'!) Long Sleep, or at least look at it with a different perspective. maybe a more
analytical POV instead of the rather more emotional and irrational..
I don't like this episode.. view that I have from my worldvision.
Suffice it to say, I shall watch Psychobombs. and study it with a more open mind, not because I think I am perfect or want to disprove other peoples viewpoints, but because the arguements about the episode have opened my mind to other possibilities, other explanations.
If we didn't want to develop our stories, our thoughts, our experiences, then we wouldn't be here, would we.
I may well still have the same opinion about the programme, but I will have made that decision having considered all the other ideas and options that have been presented.
And after all. everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Bloody Hell!!. That sounds stuffy..
stop sniggering Guina And I didn't mean it to. I wanted to put an unemotional, inoffensive and neutral viewpoint across that doesn't get me hung up by the goolies..
oh.. sorry I don't have goolies.. well then doesn't leave me having my guts used for garters as the phrase here goes!