Actually, I suspect I'm showing my colonial roots here. Once upon a time in the US, below a certain social status, there was no dining room therefore the family gathered at the kitchen table for meals. This was in the days of real kitchens in which there was much more room than the streamlined things one has today. (I dunno about Continental kitchens, although I do understand that the size of refrigerator we consider normal are not normal in Europe or most of the rest of the world.) Can you tell I'd like a much larger kitchen? And I don't even have all the kids at home any more <g>
Unfortunately, I don't see Straker as into the kinkier side of things. Just getting any was something of a shock to his system.

As to it being a movie staple ... I must not be watching the same movies you are ... I'm not that fond of Jack Nicholson. Sorry.
Glad you enjoyed the ending. I thought a happy ending was a good thing.
As to Louise and the table, it was a slight refrain in the story about tables and getting in the way of things once Ed and Kelsy "woke up". We turned it into a running joke between us.

We're a little juvenile at times <wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more> I guess we can stop now.
Or maybe we could sacrifice Jackson on a kitchen table ... <thoughtful look, many tentacled chittering thing giggling over my shoulder ... smack the muse>