In essence, Identified was a typical pilot episode. All the hardware gets hauled out to show the waiting audience the fun stuff in store for the series. Every facility is visited, so that we get a base of operations for the series to build on. As far as that goes, it wasn't too bad. Just rather boring to watch once you've seen episodes with better plotlines.
But so many things about UFO made it memorable that even the poorly written (or directed) episodes have their fans. Because the show had GREAT models -- Skydiver, Moonbase, the UFOs themselves, etc. The show had intriguiing storylines, not always well-executed, but they definitely kept you thinking long after the credtis rolled each week. And UFO had fascinating characters! Straker (natch!), Freeman, Foster (some people actually dig him!), Lake, Ellis (for all the teenage boys!), Ford, and Jackson. The more we saw of them, the more we wanted to see. Which is why fanfic for the show still thrives 40 years later! When a show has that much going for it, the fans are willing to pardon the faults.
It's funny. Star Trek was better written, better directed (most of the time), and had better continuity. But I've never been tempted to write a Star Trek story. None of the characters inspired me as the ones in UFO continually do. And I'm talking in any of its incarnations -- tos, tng, ds9, Voyager, and whatever they called that mess they did at the end. So Gerry did something very right with UFO. Every fan has their own idea what that 'right thing' was, but the truth is, the series is still awesome today (even with all its faults.)
When I did the essay years ago for the ShadoFile mag, I focused on the favorite scenes of the fans. Because there was no one episode that everyone loved! It's wild! Ones I can't stand to watch are the faves of others, and vice versa. UFO spoke to so many people on so many levels that there really is no one best episode for the series. And in their own way, all 26 were good -- depending on whose opinion you're hearing at the moment. Gerry hit the jackpot with that one show. No one else has been able to repeat that success since, even though numerous people have tried to resurrect the show. Here's hoping the current movie try gets finished -- and is a joy to the fans!