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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Chat? (Read 16053 times)

Trust no one.

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Jun 2nd, 2010 at 10:59am
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I miss out on all the posts because I'm usually in bed when you lot get going! and its difficult catching up with everything thats going on, the following morning when you are all asleep!
I know that some forums have 'chat' sesssions and it would be nice to talk to you all..... i'd even stay up late !! #any thoughts?  Not very often, maybe once a month?  Huh

It's quite lonely on this side of the pond. i think I'm the only one....... Cry

Which brings me to another question..... WHY is UFO so popular with Americans? more so than with brits?

I need some air.
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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Location: Coventry, RI
Re: Chat?
Reply #1 - Jun 2nd, 2010 at 12:24pm
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I never understood that! Maybe because we are all crazy! Smiley

I didn't get to spend too much time last night either. Sue wanted some cuddle time (As she takes my laptop and puts it on the coffee table saying, Hi Matt; she must have read Devilsgate!).  Grin

So hopefully I'll finish Best Friends today. Smiley

I'm in for a chat session. The biggest time difference is between Louise and Deb, eight hours! Do they use daylight savings time in the UK? If so that put's Louise and I five hours apart, Denise would be six, Dragon is seven (assuming Mountian Time here). Overanalyizing here, I'll go back in the corner and be quiet. Wink

Matt Grin

What do you mean, we're out of coffee!
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Trust no one.

Posts: 1311
Location: Here. When you least expect it
Re: Chat?
Reply #2 - Jun 2nd, 2010 at 12:37pm
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Well, its 1.30 here in Preston, and you snet that message at 1.24 according to this computer! So I don't know what tim eit is reall y there! Thats the surprising thing  about  this forum.. it uses GMT  for me. Anyway I'm sat in the garden doing this, watching my huisband dig over the rockery. Great!
And I should be rewriting the end of FArSIght and getting more of AfterMath done as well asa trying to think of a story for Lines of Communication.
And I just purchased Spartacus on DVD for the end of May... !

I need some air.
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Everyone at SHADO drinks

Posts: 2391
Location: Coventry, RI
Re: Chat?
Reply #3 - Jun 2nd, 2010 at 1:29pm
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Yup, You're four hours ahead of me. I'll have to get us all to pile into Seagull X-ray and fly over to visit!  Smiley Wouldn't that be cool!

I'm in the office this morning waiting for a meeting so I'm hoping to finish Best Friend while I wait! Smiley

What do you mean, we're out of coffee!
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Trust no one.

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Location: Here. When you least expect it
Re: Chat?
Reply #4 - Jun 2nd, 2010 at 1:53pm
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I'll get the landing lights on,and teh runway prepared. Emergency service will be waiting.. ( how good a pilot are you?) Shocked Only problem is that there isn't any room to park a Jet outside our house... Helicopters however, are a regular feature at the hospital which is only 500 yards away, so if you come in a copter, you could park there!  Cheesy
Did I tell you that i have personalised plates on my Citroen C1?
LE05 UFO   .. I love it! I just need a model of a UFO to go on the dashboard now. And I'm going to  put one of the Fanderson Shado stickers (guaranteed to remain in place even on space craft!) on the windscreen. That will stop my husband driving my car!!
Finally fiinished FarSight Recovery.. i realised that I had glossed over some points at theend and they needed to be more detailed .. so I have done that.and I'm still out in the garden in the sunshine while John digs the rockery!
Best Friends is coming along really nicely... I liked the Martin bit.. nice to read about other charaters besides the usual ones... perhaps that couild be a challenge.. write a UFO story withoutEd, Ginny, Alec,PAul !!( actuallly it wouldn't be that good to read either!)
Off to the shops now ... youngest daughter (aged 27) coming for tea.. she only lives a couple of miles away so we see alot of her  .. and the other two as well!
Glad I'm not the only personwho writes UFO stories when at work!! One day they'll catch me!! Angry

Louise! Smiley


I need some air.
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Everyone at SHADO drinks

Posts: 2391
Location: Coventry, RI
Re: Chat?
Reply #5 - Jun 2nd, 2010 at 2:09pm
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In the simulator I'm not too bad. I've landed a 747 at our state airport where the longest runway is only 7900 feet long! The 747 usually needs at least 9000 feet for a safe rollout. It can be done in real life but most pilots would not want to try it! I know Air Force One landed there a few years ago, but most of the time they come into Quonset!  Grin

Yes I try to sneek in some writing time at work, you are not alone! Smiley

What do you mean, we're out of coffee!
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Re: Chat?
Reply #6 - Jun 2nd, 2010 at 3:29pm
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I always write at work.  Grin  Since I work from a home office! 
I've never done chat.  I haven't IM'd either.  Does that make me a dinosaur? (If so, I want to be a steggy.  They're cute.)  Smiley
So, one question: will it be complicated?

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Trust no one.

Posts: 1311
Location: Here. When you least expect it
Re: Chat?
Reply #7 - Jun 2nd, 2010 at 4:00pm
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No Idea! We'll have to ask the Librarian!
I did it once on the Thunderbirds Chat line... just like this only quicker replies!!

I want to be a Velociraptor.

or a  Brachiosuarus

Or a Diplodocus


I need some air.
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Everyone at SHADO drinks

Posts: 2391
Location: Coventry, RI
Re: Chat?
Reply #8 - Jun 2nd, 2010 at 4:51pm
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That makes me a Brontosaurus!  Smiley And yes Louise you did mention your number plate, cool! Smiley

What do you mean, we're out of coffee!
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Re: Chat?
Reply #9 - Jun 2nd, 2010 at 6:42pm
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I'm on Yahoo IM most of the time when home. Yep, 7 hour time difference between me 'n Louise. Chat's fine. We have a good number for it. too many and it gets confusing.

dinosaur? nyah. some people don't have friends in Jo'burg they want to talk to for free. LOL. I can't afford long distance, don't even have it on my phone, and so I use a lot of IM's to get to talk to people I don't see every day. And I can IM while i'm doing other stuff. Yep, I'm a tech addict. LOL.

as to the appeal of older shows for Americans, have you seen what they're calling entertainment here? reality shows. the one i've decided I can really give a miss had the mom taking pix of her daughter for submission of a portfolio to a men's mag ... like, euuuuwwwwww! Not that I have a problem with nudes, just ... euw.

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Trust no one.

Posts: 1311
Location: Here. When you least expect it
Re: Chat?
Reply #10 - Jun 2nd, 2010 at 6:59pm
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Oh lordy,,,,,,, I can now see a story line where Ed meets a dinosaur..and we all know who will come off worse...!

Stop it Louise... I need to do Lines Of Communication first!!  Still no idea! Rats, and double Rats!

Okay.. chat time anyone? Deborah? can you set it up?
(preferably not so that I have to get up in the midle of the night!!!)  There are things I like to do at night...sleep, snore,,,dream....

  Denise....stop it. Cheesy

I need some air.
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Re: Chat?
Reply #11 - Jun 2nd, 2010 at 8:06pm
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What?  What'd I do?  (looking innocent)  It wasn't me.  I didn't do it.  I wasn't even there.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it!  Wink
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Trust no one.

Posts: 1311
Location: Here. When you least expect it
Re: Chat?
Reply #12 - Jun 2nd, 2010 at 8:16pm
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Now isn't that from the Simpsons?
(Sniggering here )

Just listened to The Lady in the Lake story with Ed Bishop as Philip Marlowe. Drool.
I'm going to have  to do some doodling now.
I'm not speaking to Matt any more. He's flown a 747
I've only ever flown a kite.

Denise has got me marrying Ed Straker
and I can't think of a plot for my next story...Ghost Writer faaded into the distance while I was sleep............

and I've had to write some more in the first chapters of AfterMath. Rats.
I'll need to update them tomorrow.

Life is hard.

I need some air.
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Re: Chat?
Reply #13 - Jun 2nd, 2010 at 8:22pm
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I don't know.  I never watched that show.  But I know that excuse!  Wink

Sorry your story isn't behaving.  I know where I'm going in my writer's story, but have no idea how to get there.


This calls for a nap!  Smiley  I get my best scenes during naps.  (curls up with a pillow)  Nighty nite, Louise!  Maybe you should try it too!
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Trust no one.

Posts: 1311
Location: Here. When you least expect it
Re: Chat?
Reply #14 - Jun 2nd, 2010 at 8:33pm
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Hot bath Rachel thinks of  in Valentines Kiss!!! (snigger snigger!)

I'll sleep on it!

LOVE writer's Block........ be gentle with The Man.. won't you!
pleasant dreams!


I need some air.
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