Matt Colonel Offline Everyone at SHADO drinks coffee! Posts: 2391 Location: Coventry, RI Re: Chat? Reply #15 - Jun 3rd, 2010 at 12:59am Print Post The 747 is only in Microsoft Flight Simulator, I wish I could fly the real deal! You could learn to fly it Louise it's fun. Okay, I have an epilogue to write, two new stories to write, tons to read, and I'm so confused! Matt What do you mean, we're out of coffee! WWW IP Logged
Lightcudder Colonel Offline Trust no one. Posts: 1311 Location: Here. When you least expect it Re: Chat? Reply #16 - Jun 3rd, 2010 at 8:15am Print Post That's cheating Matt.... I couldn't fly even a simulator... I have the worse co-ordination ever! I slept on my story problem last night...but nothing! oh Well, perhaps i will get some inspiration today. I worked on AfterMath and my racing car picture ( so non-UFO!) last night so there is less pressure to get those done now and I might be able to think about something else. Except Denise wants me to do a happy story! Hmmmmmm really not sure if I can! esp[ecially after reading Writers Block.... that was so uplifting Denise! I need some air. WWW IP Logged
Neesierie Ex Member Re: Chat? Reply #17 - Jun 3rd, 2010 at 12:28pm Print Post Really? Glad you liked it! But if it puts you in a happy mood, then you should be able to write happy -- right? Isn't it Matt's turn to write a writer story? He could meet Virginia . . . IP Logged
Lightcudder Colonel Offline Trust no one. Posts: 1311 Location: Here. When you least expect it Re: Chat? Reply #18 - Jun 3rd, 2010 at 12:33pm Print Post YEs, Let Matt do the next 'Writer 's story... gives me some time to think...! I have the title; Ghost Writer; all I neeed is the plot! Rats; Wish I hadn't used Craig Collins already as a ghost. I'll think of something. Eventually. Maybe Lines of Communication............ oh drat ... forgot about that as well..... (muttereing to myself) > I need some air. WWW IP Logged
Matt Colonel Offline Everyone at SHADO drinks coffee! Posts: 2391 Location: Coventry, RI Re: Chat? Reply #19 - Jun 3rd, 2010 at 1:28pm Print Post The flight sims are pretty realistic now days, and trust me, I've bought the farm more than once. I haven't even thought about a writer's story. Meeting Virginia would be interesting but Sue would probably be jealous (Unless I wrote a compaion story where she meets Byron Sully from Dr. Quinn). What do you mean, we're out of coffee! WWW IP Logged
Neesierie Ex Member Re: Chat? Reply #20 - Jun 3rd, 2010 at 1:39pm Print Post Now, he was a cutie! I always wondered what was wrong with Dr. Quinn, because she never seemed to notice! But then, I love long hair on a man. *sigh* My hubby doesn't seem to mind me writing about another man, but then, he has the hots for Scully. : But I think a story where you meet Ginny would be fun! IP Logged
Matt Colonel Offline Everyone at SHADO drinks coffee! Posts: 2391 Location: Coventry, RI Re: Chat? Reply #21 - Jun 3rd, 2010 at 2:14pm Print Post I'd have to write Sue's story first. Ladies before Gentlemen! We used to watch that series together so I know enough about it where I could probably pull it off. I'll toy with the idea of a writer's story but you may have to wait! I'm getting ready to go full speed ahead on LOC and Silver Star! Denise you have mentioned that I seem to have a handle on the romantic aspects of writing and coming from you, that's very high praise! I wonder if you have read through any of Soul Mates? That story was written as a romance. I know you never pictured Ed and Ginny together, but I would like to know if I made it believable, in your opinion. In my follow on stories I'm still debating if I'm going to get Paul married off, and grow up. (Matt; still waiting for Louise to perfect her time machine!) What do you mean, we're out of coffee! WWW IP Logged
Lightcudder Colonel Offline Trust no one. Posts: 1311 Location: Here. When you least expect it Re: Chat? Reply #22 - Jun 3rd, 2010 at 2:53pm Print Post Look Matt. It's a Time Machine!. .It takes time to get it to work! And as I have very little time at the moment, it is somewhat underpowered. gosh I love these smilies. Louise I need some air. WWW IP Logged
Neesierie Ex Member Re: Chat? Reply #23 - Jun 3rd, 2010 at 4:07pm Print Post In my Conover Saga, which I wrote before I'd seen the entire series again as an adult, I married Paul on in the tenth story. He got the BEST plot! -- which was a sorta remake of the Maltese Falcon (w/o the falcon!) I gave him a real ornery wife too! I'm thinking perhaps he might suit Leona if I ever do another story in the writer's line. But I don't think she's the marrying kind, so maybe they'll just have a long term fling! But no matter what, he's got to grow up!!! IP Logged
Neesierie Ex Member Re: Chat? Reply #24 - Jun 3rd, 2010 at 4:09pm Print Post Oh, and BTW. I have read parts of Soul Mates and really liked it. Is it all on this forum to read in its entirety? I lose track of what's here. IP Logged
Lightcudder Colonel Offline Trust no one. Posts: 1311 Location: Here. When you least expect it Re: Chat? Reply #25 - Jun 3rd, 2010 at 4:13pm Print Post No Please don't make Paul grow up. He's such fun to mock. It wouldn't be so good writing about him if he becoomes mature! I need some air. WWW IP Logged
Matt Colonel Offline Everyone at SHADO drinks coffee! Posts: 2391 Location: Coventry, RI Re: Chat? Reply #26 - Jun 3rd, 2010 at 5:26pm Print Post Denise, I haven't put it on here yet! It is on my website up to chapter 13. I posted it this morning. And FanFiction as well same deal! Louise, That's why you need to get it working! So we'll all have more time! (Matt sends Louise the diagram for the space-time discontinuator in hopes of being helpful!) I don't know about Paul. Miss Carson may turn him into a henpecked husband! That could be fun! : Okay, I guess I'm going to do a writer's story as a plot came to me while I was at one of the radio sites. Lots of action, romance, and unfortuately a tragic end for a certian fanfiction writer (gulp), unless I do it in an AU. I don't even have a title yet. And yes the smilies are fun! What do you mean, we're out of coffee! WWW IP Logged
Neesierie Ex Member Re: Chat? Reply #27 - Jun 10th, 2010 at 12:54pm Print Post So did we ever decide to do a chat online? Sometime when Louise is still up, so that she can come too? 'Cause it's easy to tell who's around the forum, if we just pick the time to get together. IP Logged
Lightcudder Colonel Offline Trust no one. Posts: 1311 Location: Here. When you least expect it Re: Chat? Reply #28 - Jun 10th, 2010 at 1:03pm Print Post I'm here now.!! But I might not be later, when you read this..... or I might be... depending on when 'this' is. ??!! my brain hurts I need some air. WWW IP Logged
Matt Colonel Offline Everyone at SHADO drinks coffee! Posts: 2391 Location: Coventry, RI Re: Chat? Reply #29 - Jun 10th, 2010 at 1:18pm Print Post Good morning Louise, I'm only here for a bit. Doing office stuff and of course checking the board! What do you mean, we're out of coffee! WWW IP Logged