I'll get the landing lights on,and teh runway prepared. Emergency service will be waiting.. ( how good a pilot are you?)

Only problem is that there isn't any room to park a Jet outside our house... Helicopters however, are a regular feature at the hospital which is only 500 yards away, so if you come in a copter, you could park there!

Did I tell you that i have personalised plates on my Citroen C1?
LE05 UFO .. I love it! I just need a model of a UFO to go on the dashboard now. And I'm going to put one of the Fanderson Shado stickers (guaranteed to remain in place even on space craft!) on the windscreen. That will stop my husband driving my car!!
Finally fiinished FarSight Recovery.. i realised that I had glossed over some points at theend and they needed to be more detailed .. so I have done that.and I'm still out in the garden in the sunshine while John digs the rockery!
Best Friends is coming along really nicely... I liked the Martin bit.. nice to read about other charaters besides the usual ones... perhaps that couild be a challenge.. write a UFO story
withoutEd, Ginny, Alec,PAul !!( actuallly it wouldn't be that good to read either!)
Off to the shops now ... youngest daughter (aged 27) coming for tea.. she only lives a couple of miles away so we see alot of her .. and the other two as well!
Glad I'm not the only personwho writes UFO stories when at work!! One day they'll catch me!!