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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) FDK Why: From the Diary of Virginia Lake (Read 5085 times)

Everyone at SHADO drinks

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FDK Why: From the Diary of Virginia Lake
Apr 9th, 2011 at 6:06am
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One shot! Wink

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Re: FDK Why: From the Diary of Virginia Lake
Reply #1 - Apr 9th, 2011 at 6:41am
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The tear had covered Ed’s name and the act of blotting it had smudged the ink slightly giving his name a softer look.

What was your intention ( if you want to tell us ) with that sentence? It's so wonderfully metaphoric, I interpreted it to show that not only did she know he had a gentle side, that was how she sees him in private. You did all that with a  single sentence! That's Straker. When he isn't making castor oil comments, that is.  Cheesy
Just a missed word :Thank goodness Ed doesn’t treat me like that.
Otherwise I enjoyed this very much, a great means of revealing character.
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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: FDK Why: From the Diary of Virginia Lake
Reply #2 - Apr 9th, 2011 at 1:43pm
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Thanks Amelia,

That passage does have multiple meanings, in addition to the ones that you mentioned, I used the odd chance of a tear hitting that paticular word to evoke an emotional moment. Cry

Here is a passage from Soul Mates.

Once inside she closed and locked the door. She sat down at the desk and looked down at the diamond ring on her left hand as a tear landed on it. Quietly she said, “Goodbye Ed…”

In this part of the story Ed had been captured by the aliens and Virginia has assumed command of SHADO. She believes that the UFO that she just ordered to be destroyed was carrying Ed. This passage is at the very beginning of my first story and with it, I told the reader that Ginny was engaged to Ed. Wink

I fixed the missing word, both here and on my original.

This story was inspired by a comment I read elsewhere describing Virginia as a sexually freed and active woman, as portrayed in the show. The only episode that would even come close to suggesting that trait is TMWCB and I'm sure that I would have remembered any adult situations. I have to wonder if there is an adult version of UFO running around that I haven't seen yet. Had we seen her paired up with a different guy in each episode than that opinion might hold more water. Not based on one episode.

I see Ginny to be in her mid to late thirties in the show, for reasons I described on another thread. That puts her a few years younger than my mother. In her age group, promiscuity was still frowned upon, even more so in the UK, and I don't see an intelligent woman acting that way. She would be smart enough to know better. I don't think I write her any different than she was portrayed in the series. But it requires insight and imagination to look beyond the obvious. But then, I've been her champion since I started writing. Kiss

I'm glad you enjoyed the story, it demended to be written. Wink

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Re: FDK Why: From the Diary of Virginia Lake
Reply #3 - Apr 9th, 2011 at 2:04pm
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Okay.  I'm impressed.  You did it.  Somehow, you managed to sound like a woman writing a journal entry.  How did you do that?  Shocked  Are you channeling Col. Lake?  Or did you bug Sue until she helped out?  Come on, Matt!  Inquiring minds want to know!  Cheesy

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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: FDK Why: From the Diary of Virginia Lake
Reply #4 - Apr 9th, 2011 at 2:15pm
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I read Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. The book has some intesresting insight into how we each process information.

It really wasn't all that difficult, I know how I would feel it I were being accused of doing something that I didn't do. Whether you are a man or a woman, the emotion is the same. The only difference is how we process and express the emotion, and that tends to be different between a man and a woman. (Walking on eggshells here.) Undecided
« Last Edit: Apr 9th, 2011 at 4:50pm by Matt »  

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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: FDK Why: From the Diary of Virginia Lake
Reply #5 - Apr 9th, 2011 at 2:49pm
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Final version is up! Enjoy! Smiley

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Re: FDK Why: From the Diary of Virginia Lake
Reply #6 - Apr 9th, 2011 at 3:43pm
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The only difference is how we process and express the emotion, and that tends to be different for between a man and a woman. (Walking on eggshells here.)

There are cultural influences as well and those may be even stronger.

There are some great scenes in 'Courage Under Fire' - (if you haven't seen it, I won't give away the entire plot).

But, the Meg Ryan character is shot and under extreme stress the tears flow. The guys with her claim she can't handle the pain. Her response is (paraphrasing here) "Pain hell, having a baby hurts worse. This is stress!"

But the 'culture' of the 'macho guy' and the 'weak sister' is one of the driving factors of that film - IMHO.

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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: FDK Why: From the Diary of Virginia Lake
Reply #7 - Apr 9th, 2011 at 4:05pm
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I've heard it said that the pain that a woman experiances durring childbirth would kill a man. :Smiley

And I've watched the "macho man" types pass out at the sight of a needle. I've always found that to be funny! Cheesy

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Re: FDK Why: From the Diary of Virginia Lake
Reply #8 - Apr 9th, 2011 at 4:41pm
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Way back when (remember high school sex Ed?) it was always the captain of the football team who fainted during the childbirth film.

Always  Grin

And in childbirth, it's not just the pain, it's the effort. How many guys could do the equivalent of sit-ups with a rep every few minutes for hours.

But to get back on track - I never saw Ginny's relationship with Craig OR Paul as having gotten to the 'jump into bed' phase. Paul seemed genuinely confused at Craig's possessiveness - not the response I would have expected if Paul and Ginny were sleeping together.

And Ginny's reaction to Craig's excessively forceful kiss - it always seemed to me she wasn't reacting to the force of the kiss so much, but that he was trying to go farther than she wanted and wouldn't take no for an answer.

I certainly wouldn't have labeled Ginny as promiscuous, and recognizing the double standard of the time, I doubt SHADO would have given her clearance if she jumped into bed with every pretty face she saw.  Huh

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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: FDK Why: From the Diary of Virginia Lake
Reply #9 - Apr 9th, 2011 at 4:46pm
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Librarian wrote on Apr 9th, 2011 at 4:41pm:
Way back when (remember high school sex Ed?) it was always the captain of the football team who fainted during the childbirth film.


And in childbirth, it's not just the pain, it's the effort. How many guys could do the equivalent of sit-ups with a rep every few minutes for hours.

Sometimes the entire team fainted! Cheesy

As to the second part, not many if at all.

But to get back on track - I never saw Ginny's relationship with Craig OR Paul as having gotten to the 'jump into bed' phase. Paul seemed genuinely confused at Craig's possessiveness - not the response I would have expected if Paul and Ginny were sleeping together.

And Ginny's reaction to Craig's excessively forceful kiss - it always seemed to me she wasn't reacting to the force of the kiss so much, but that he was trying to go farther than she wanted and wouldn't take no for an answer.

I certainly wouldn't have labeled Ginny as promiscuous, and recognizing the double standard of the time, I doubt SHADO would have given her clearance if she jumped into bed with every pretty face she saw.

Right on Deb! On all counts! And there was most certainly a double standard, it still exsits today. I have to think part of the misconception in canon was due to Bentley's description in The Complete Book of UFO. I still, for the life of me, don't understand how he could have drawn that conclusion. But as I have pointed out, the book had other much more obvious mistakes than that. Undecided
« Last Edit: Apr 9th, 2011 at 6:05pm by Matt »  

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I may be blonde but...

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Re: FDK Why: From the Diary of Virginia Lake
Reply #10 - Apr 9th, 2011 at 7:37pm
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And WE get 'yelled' at for writing things that don't mesh with what was on the screen.

I want HIS job. Roll Eyes

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Re: FDK Why: From the Diary of Virginia Lake
Reply #11 - Apr 9th, 2011 at 8:04pm
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Librarian wrote on Apr 9th, 2011 at 4:41pm:
And Ginny's reaction to Craig's excessively forceful kiss - it always seemed to me she wasn't reacting to the force of the kiss so much, but that he was trying to go farther than she wanted and wouldn't take no for an answer.

I read it as a) he was assuming too much, b) she didn't like the "possession" statement in his behaviour and, possibly most importantly, c) they were, effectively, in public.

I never assumed that Lake was sleeping with Collins and then Foster. Part of that was probably because as a 15-year-old when UFO first screened, I wouldn't have jumped (corrected typo said: humped!) to that conclusion. If I'd seen the scene as an adult in contemporary times, I might have assumed differently. I don't know.

Matt, I loved that story. The diary entry was lovely and I'm with everyone else on the tear softening Ed's name - lovely.

I suppose the only phrase (clause? line?) I'd slightly question (only very slightly) in a diary was the: Admittedly I was ready to explore the avenue of intimacy with him just because it sounded a bit formal for a diary? But that may just be me... always one for the quick and dirty shortcut...  Grin Embarrassed

But I really enjoyed the scene and her thoughts.  Cool
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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: FDK Why: From the Diary of Virginia Lake
Reply #12 - Apr 9th, 2011 at 8:15pm
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Thanks Normandie, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Smiley I saw Ginny as artistic, I portray her as a classcal pianist, and later on as an artist. The reason I made her journal entry sound so formal is along the same lines, she expressed herself quite consicely with the spoken word and I see her doing the same in her writing. That's what I was thinking when I wrote it. Wink

BTW, it didn't take long for this one to end up in the crosshairs. A couple of new terms were invented. Grin

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