Write Rat wrote on Apr 4
th, 2011 at 11:21pm:
That article is beautifully written, it made me cry. Denise, he was dying, that is why he looked so bad. About him losing Joan, he told Helen he was going to stop acting, he was so depressed over her death. I read several of his letters to Helen, and while I can't go into the contents fully out of consideration for his family and friends, he discussed illness in one. However, neither Helen nor Paolo guessed how really ill he was until he passed away. I didn't buy what had been put out, and Paolo and I had exchanged letters during the time I ran EBF and after Ed died, so I pleaded with Paolo to find out from his widow and surviving daughters what had actually killed him. Paolo was so gracious, he was grieving himself but he still did that for me, and the family was grieving but they too allowed me to know the truth and to announce it. I learned he had lived with leukemia for 12 years. In those years he still had contact with his fans, lived his life normally, in the way he wanted. I miss him so much, he was almost like a family member to me while I was running Ed Bishop Fans. I find it really hard to look at the picture of his gravestone, but he's buried beside Daniel, and I'm sure that is what he wanted.
Thank you for that account, Claire. It was beautiful to me. I admit I am jealous of you and the other fans who he allowed to get to know him.

I have my pictures, theatre books, magazines, articles, signed photographs, dvds, audio tapes of his book narration and his live interviews and most of all I have his personal check which I won from a charity auction. It isn't possible for me to hear about the new UFO movie without sadness, knowing he would have loved to take part in it.
I miss you George.
Thanks WR for the lovely words, I too had problems writing it! I was friends with Ed not his entire family so it was a waiting period for me to find out what he died from, after he passed I was told what it was. The article was a nice way of remembering him for me but it also brought me to tears as I remembered him and that he's no longer here. Those days were truly fun and I'm sure other people knew him better than I did. I've always been one to be respectful of peoples feelings and Ed and his family were no exception, I am always fiercely protective of the people I am friends with and loyal too. Stubborn as an ox as well

I could have been more intrusive into his life but that's not who I am and I cannot abide people who think they own a person or have the right and justification to trash his memory just because something they are in the public eye or that they percieved he did allows them justification. Ed was not a horrible man at all, he was a gentle and caring man and that's how I remember him. The people who trash him would not be doing this if he we still here, and I'm sorry for his family having to read or be aware of the vilenss circulating elsewhere on the net.
George Victor (Ed) Bishop - one of the true greats, a loving family man and a brilliant actor to boot. RIP gentle soul, we miss you.