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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Welcome Claire (Read 13215 times)
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Welcome Claire
Apr 2nd, 2011 at 2:34pm
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Welcome aboard!  Smiley

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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Location: Coventry, RI
Re: Welcome Claire
Reply #1 - Apr 2nd, 2011 at 3:30pm
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Hi Claire, welcome aboard. My standard greeting, being crazy is not required, but it sure helps! Cheesy

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Straker, somehow it's
always about you.

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Re: Welcome Claire
Reply #2 - Apr 2nd, 2011 at 6:21pm
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Hello, Claire!  So glad you're not shy like some of our members!  Keep posting!  We want to hear what you're thinking!  Smiley

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UFO the original and best!

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Location: South East England
Re: Welcome Claire
Reply #3 - Apr 3rd, 2011 at 11:01am
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Thanks everyone.  I'm here because I was asked by another publication to submit a piece called remembering Ed because I knew Ed Bishop quite well throughout my time in fandom until he passed away.  I hadn't realised what the people who run that site were all about but had seen an old friend of mine, Amelia's work, or a link to it on the site so I wrote and congratulated her as I was about to submit my own UFO story which had been on the SHADO library for a while, Error of Judgement but I wasn't happy with the way it looked so took it down for modification and it never went back because I didn't finish the mods.  However, it may be time to look at doing that again.  Once I was made aware of the content of this other site I asked for my piece on Ed to be removed and it was, I'm not sending the story or anything else either and my pictures have been taken off the site as well as I asked.  I've been invited to submit the piece here by Deb, but don't know where on this site to send it.  If you could let me know where to put it I will, and it's very nice to be here, thank you so much for the warm welcome.
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Straker, somehow it's
always about you.

Posts: 990
Location: Fulton, MO
Re: Welcome Claire
Reply #4 - Apr 3rd, 2011 at 1:23pm
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If you go to the section called Fanfic-UFO, there will be a sticky post at the top called Posting your story.  Read that and it will explain everything to you.  If you still run into trouble, post here again and we'll help you.  Learning a new forum always takes time.  If you don't run into any problems, feel free to read the sticky post below it called Posting comments.  Otherwise we'll help you out my doing that part for you.  Can't wait to read your story!  Smiley

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Everyone at SHADO drinks

Posts: 2391
Location: Coventry, RI
Re: Welcome Claire
Reply #5 - Apr 3rd, 2011 at 3:31pm
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I'm looking forward to seeing your work Claire. On this board most of the members here support and enjoy everyone's point of view on the show. I dearly love seeing our heroes through the eyes of different writers. Variety is the spice of life!

Deb summed it up best in her intro to the library, and I quote; "This site is a repository of fan-fiction devoted to the Gerry Anderson production U.F.O.. As with any library, it is constantly growing and changing, thanks to the contributions of writers who love the show, the premise and the characters enough to add their own ideas to the U.F.O. mythos and who are brave enough to share their vision."

That statement was the single most powerful force that inspired me to share my vision of the show with others. Smiley

« Last Edit: Apr 3rd, 2011 at 6:42pm by Matt »  

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UFO the original and best!

Posts: 122
Location: South East England
Re: Welcome Claire
Reply #6 - Apr 3rd, 2011 at 8:02pm
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Matt wrote on Apr 3rd, 2011 at 3:31pm:
I'm looking forward to seeing your work Claire. On this board most of the members here support and enjoy everyone's point of view on the show. I dearly love seeing our heroes through the eyes of different writers. Variety is the spice of life!

Deb summed it up best in her intro to the library, and I quote; "This site is a repository of fan-fiction devoted to the Gerry Anderson production U.F.O.. As with any library, it is constantly growing and changing, thanks to the contributions of writers who love the show, the premise and the characters enough to add their own ideas to the U.F.O. mythos and who are brave enough to share their vision."

That statement was the single most powerful force that inspired me to share my vision of the show with others. Smiley

The Library and the Guild are great places to be.  I may not be able to post tomorrow as I have to have blood tests and they always mess my arm up hence bending my arm for writing is a no-no.  Hopefully be back in a couple of days as I can't wait to get my story in the Library.  I'm editing it for inclusion as we speak so hopefully it won't be too long before I'm good to go.
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UFO the original and best!

Posts: 122
Location: South East England
Re: Welcome Claire
Reply #7 - Apr 3rd, 2011 at 8:05pm
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Neesierie wrote on Apr 3rd, 2011 at 1:23pm:
If you go to the section called Fanfic-UFO, there will be a sticky post at the top called Posting your story.  Read that and it will explain everything to you.  If you still run into trouble, post here again and we'll help you.  Learning a new forum always takes time.  If you don't run into any problems, feel free to read the sticky post below it called Posting comments.  Otherwise we'll help you out my doing that part for you.  Can't wait to read your story!  Smiley

You're all so kind and I appreciate it.  I used to belong to a writing group called The Write Mice and we often had discussions on stories and I was invited to join the Library than, entered my story but it wasn't formatted properly as I said, it looked a mess but I'm working on it now and hopefully it will be up before the end of the week.  May have a bit of a problem writing for a day or so as I have blood tests tomorrow and as I said to Matt they always mess my arm up Sad
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UFO the original and best!

Posts: 122
Location: South East England
Re: Welcome Claire
Reply #8 - Apr 3rd, 2011 at 8:06pm
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Matt wrote on Apr 2nd, 2011 at 3:30pm:
Hi Claire, welcome aboard. My standard greeting, being crazy is not required, but it sure helps! Cheesy

I agree, being crazy/mad to be here helps.  I'd be disappointed if it wasn't Wink
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Straker, somehow it's
always about you.

Posts: 990
Location: Fulton, MO
Re: Welcome Claire
Reply #9 - Apr 4th, 2011 at 1:04am
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I don't remember you from the Write Mice.  But then, perhaps you joined after I was gone.  Looking back, I shouldn't have let creative differences get in my way.  If I'd been more tolerant of others' writing styles, I would have stayed with the group and maybe I wouldn't have spent so many years not writing UFO!  It's so good to know that we can all grow and learn in this life!  Grin

Maybe being a part of another writers group will be the encouragement you need to write more UFO stories too!  Smiley

P.S. Good luck with your blood tests!

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Write Rat
SHADO Research

Straker and his coffee.

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Re: Welcome Claire
Reply #10 - Apr 4th, 2011 at 3:33am
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I am just so happy to have you here, where you belong! Oh yeahhhhhh, I know about blood tests. I'll update you about health and other matters by private mail.

I had thyroid problems for a while, fortunately they seemed to have cleared up, my numbers have been good. Claire, I turned 59 this past March 14th! Eeeek! Chuckle.

I have some ideas  that I need to throw at our librarian  Grin
The guild is the greatest place to put fiction, ask for help, learn new techniques, and just have fun without rules and regulations. Believe me, my formatting skills are just as lousy. Just ask Deborah!  Grin
Little veteran mousie Claire, we have a whole new mousehole with friendly mice! WELCOME!
And there's a vent section I created for you to vent in, plus Nans will fill you in on other stuff.
(bounce bounce) Smiley
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UFO the original and best!

Posts: 122
Location: South East England
Re: Welcome Claire
Reply #11 - Apr 4th, 2011 at 11:10am
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Neesierie wrote on Apr 4th, 2011 at 1:04am:
I don't remember you from the Write Mice.  But then, perhaps you joined after I was gone.  Looking back, I shouldn't have let creative differences get in my way.  If I'd been more tolerant of others' writing styles, I would have stayed with the group and maybe I wouldn't have spent so many years not writing UFO!  It's so good to know that we can all grow and learn in this life!  Grin

Maybe being a part of another writers group will be the encouragement you need to write more UFO stories too!  Smiley

P.S. Good luck with your blood tests!

Don't look back all the time, it's hard I know as I am one of the worst for thinking of past happenings.  It can't be changed so don't beat yourself up over it.

My bloods messed up my arm again, it was so cold they couldn't get blood out of one arm but managed with the other - I hate it  Wink

I have already started a sequel to Error of Judgement but it kinda went off on tangents and I need to rein it back in and start again.  I'm so glad to be back here, I have missed my friends and all the new ones here Smiley
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UFO the original and best!

Posts: 122
Location: South East England
Re: Welcome Claire
Reply #12 - Apr 4th, 2011 at 11:14am
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Write Rat wrote on Apr 4th, 2011 at 3:33am:
I am just so happy to have you here, where you belong! Oh yeahhhhhh, I know about blood tests. I'll update you about health and other matters by private mail.

I had thyroid problems for a while, fortunately they seemed to have cleared up, my numbers have been good. Claire, I turned 59 this past March 14th! Eeeek! Chuckle.

I have some ideas  that I need to throw at our librarian  Grin
The guild is the greatest place to put fiction, ask for help, learn new techniques, and just have fun without rules and regulations. Believe me, my formatting skills are just as lousy. Just ask Deborah!  Grin
Little veteran mousie Claire, we have a whole new mousehole with friendly mice! WELCOME!
And there's a vent section I created for you to vent in, plus Nans will fill you in on other stuff.
(bounce bounce) Smiley

Aw, thanks so much for the great welcome, I'm really happy to be back believe me.  Thyroids are awful when they pack up, I've had to have radioactive iodine 131 to reduce growing nodules but that shrunk the gland and it doesn't work anymore.  Now I'm on thyroxine for life and I have gained weight which I can't shift because my metabolism is really slow now ;(

I can't wait to have Error of Judgement back in the library and hopefully the Remembering Ed piece will be up here soon.  debs sent the proof over and I ok'd it before going to the docs.  I'm so glad it's finding it's natural home here and not anywhere else!!!

I love being home  Wink
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Straker, somehow it's
always about you.

Posts: 990
Location: Fulton, MO
Re: Welcome Claire
Reply #13 - Apr 4th, 2011 at 2:47pm
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Thyroid trouble?  Gak!  They killed my thyroid at the end of '94 because of Graves' disease, and I had to go on synthroid for life in March of '95.  It sucks.  Undecided  I'll never be a size 12 again!  However, my specialist told me that exercise and diet changes wouldn't have any effect on the weight gain -- and he was wrong!  I don't lose much weight, but I have lost several inches, which in my book counts for more, because it means a size change.  At least I'm not gaining anymore, which was truly terrifying as I was gaining a size every 6 months!  Shocked
My doctor babies me when I get my bloodwork done, since I warned her that I faint very easily!  :Smiley  She lets me lie down and talks to me to take my mind off the needle!  Wink

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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Location: Coventry, RI
Re: Welcome Claire
Reply #14 - Apr 4th, 2011 at 9:05pm
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Claire, I just quickly read through your piece on Ed, very nice! I will sit down later when I'm not in a rush and take time to enjoy it. Health problems are a downer. I hope everything went well for you today.

Denise, I'm sorry to hear about your issues as well. But you don't seem to let it get you down and that's good. I had allergies as a kid so I got used to needles. Although I don't care for the one used by the dentist. Shocked Grin

What do you mean, we're out of coffee!
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