I am just so happy to have you here, where you
belong! Oh yeahhhhhh, I know about blood tests. I'll update you about health and other matters by private mail.
I had thyroid problems for a while, fortunately they seemed to have cleared up, my numbers have been good. Claire, I turned 59 this past March 14th! Eeeek! Chuckle.
I have some ideas that I need to throw at our librarian

The guild is the greatest place to put fiction, ask for help, learn new techniques, and just have fun without rules and regulations. Believe me, my formatting skills are just as lousy. Just ask Deborah!

Little veteran mousie Claire, we have a whole new mousehole with friendly mice! WELCOME!
And there's a vent section I created for you to vent in, plus Nans will fill you in on other stuff.
(bounce bounce)