Little snippet from Chapter One:
A Man of Death Quote:“Commander, quite frankly, I admire you. I had hoped that you and I could come to be friends before you left.”
“Because of Colonel Freeman‘s laidback approach? I‘m not Colonel Freeman.”
That wins me the understatement trophy of the year.
Quote:I'll look forward to reading it. How are you doing that? Are you following an outline? With three people working on it I can't imagine it being "seat of the pants" so to speak.]
I get inspired by something, sometimes just a word, or a fact or canon. I find the right title and that starts the story. I never do outlines, they don't work for me. That doesn't mean I'm a genius

it just means that I do better when I'm fairly unrestricted. (My husband had to find that out the hard way.

It was traumatic for him.) I just jot down words, phrases. They all generally change. When they change, I know the story is working, it is flowing.
I complete several chapters first. My perfectionist husband edits and adds to or subtracts from what I write as I write. Sometimes the characters we create dictate changes. We finish, and then we go over it for errors, etc. Now it is in beta by my friend Nans, she also suggests additions to it as she corrects it or confirms something with us. While that is going on, I'm checking it too.
Husband turned the final chapter back into an epilogue after I
hit him with a frying pan suggested it. I found more research material.
Yessss, I founddddddddddd it! So we add it in.
While all that is going on, we're tossing around scenes for the sequel, and come up with possible titles for it.
I don't usually work this closely with my husband, but it really seems to flow along now. If this partnership is responsible for having turned this thing novel length, I'm in serious trouble. I thought it was my muse. I suspect now that my husband is my true muse, and always was.
The Maelstrom is finished, so hopefully it will be in Library fairly soon, but I have more material I want to go over, to see if it fits.
The other factor is our health, sometimes that forces us to stop for a while, but we discuss the story even then.
My stories are my (and my husband's ) canon.
You aren't gonna like Lt. Ford in this, Matt.