The story I am working on so far has a little more than fifty thousand word count. That isn't my usual style. The writing fairy (or faerie depending on where one lives) didn't only sprinkle me with idea dust, she
buried me in it! Is that novel or novella length, Deborah? I don't remember. I have five or six more chapters to go.
I think. ( Oh and hey hey to you too.

I wouldn't have started writing again but one rarely says I can't do this anymore! to my husband. Hope you and yours had a most excellent Christmas. (I got a baby computer as a gift and named it Ford. The one I am working on now is named Alec. Eventually I'll find a perfect computer and name
that one Ed.)
About me? (Yes I was just in patented Straker brooding mood when I joined. )I am one of the Librarian's earliest sheep. I have been lurking on here long before I joined.
There, that's all you need to know to
Identified me. Oh-somebody gave me unexpected positive feedback, so in return they are mentioned in a subtle way in the story.
Now I'll go off and feast on a guinea hen.
(my husband's idea that)
Ta Ta!