Books that influence dragon: Jim Butcher's Dresden Files, Sherilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunters, etc, Brian Daley's Doomfarers and Starfollowers of Coromonde, Hobart and Fitzhugh trilogy, LOTR, Chris Evans Iron Elves book 1 (looking for book 2), Stoker's Dracula, Anything by Lovecraft and his disciples; Saberhagen's Dracula books; Tim Powers (Mostly The Drawing of the Dark but also the Anubis Gates, The something of her regard, etc); Robert Hall's You're Stepping on My Cloak and Dagger; Howard's Solomon Kane; ERB Martian books, tarzan, venus, moon ... riproaring adventure books (that have had very bad movies made of them. The last one on Sci Fi annoyed me ... Love the actress playing deja Thoris, but DT was dark haired and not blond ... le sigh)
I have read and watched so much sci fi and fantasy, it's hard to figure out what influences me and what doesn't. I'm not big on the classic names ... they don't speak to me.
I can't remember half the stuff I've read ... even when I've re-read it ... sad.
Jules Verne ... managed not to read any of his stuff. And that one is really sad, maybe I should add that to my list of things to do in the next decade ...
Probably not a helpful list.