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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) FDK Expecting July's Challenge By Matt (Read 14087 times)

Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: FDK Expecting July's Challenge By Matt
Reply #30 - Jul 3rd, 2010 at 4:39am
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Okay, the last bit is up. Smiley I may tweek it a tad before I post it elsewhere but all in all I'm pretty happy with it. Wink

Another storybook ending! Cheesy

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Re: FDK Expecting July's Challenge By Matt
Reply #31 - Jul 3rd, 2010 at 5:39am
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Aaaaw!  Kiss  What a sweet ending!  'Lucky man' indeed!  Wink

Great job, Matt!  This is a really enjoyable story, with lots of tension, science, and romance.  Can't get a better combo than that!  Cool
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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Location: Coventry, RI
Re: FDK Expecting July's Challenge By Matt
Reply #32 - Jul 3rd, 2010 at 5:55am
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I wrote this out of sequence as they find out that Ginny is pregnant while her and Ed are trapped in the mirror universe during Dark SHADO. Smiley So I've tipped my hand here.  Wink

I had to do some reaserch for this one as Sue and I are not parents. Very educational! Grin

But I'm glad you enjoyed it! It was fun to write!  Smiley

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Re: FDK Expecting July's Challenge By Matt
Reply #33 - Jul 3rd, 2010 at 6:41am
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I wondered if you had kids! Because usually they get mentioned sooner or later, and you never did mention any.  See how great a detective I am?  :Smiley

Anyway, you did really well with the whole birthing thing.  The only lack I saw was that new parents really bond with their babies, and you skimmed over that.  But the rest was very well done.  And I'm glad you stepped up the crankiness of your lady to an appropriate level!  Grin  A very diverting read!  Wink
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Re: FDK Expecting July's Challenge By Matt
Reply #34 - Jul 3rd, 2010 at 7:37am
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This was great stuff matt. I really enjoyed reading it, adn you did the whole babies v attack 'tension' very well. - hope that makes sense... !

Really enjoyed the ending.. very true to reality. Smiley

Research is fun to do for stories isn't it! I'm into researching MACHOs and WIMPs at the moment and trying to work out (just to be able to make Ford blush!) an acronym for STRAKER that fits something in the story!

I need some air.
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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Location: Coventry, RI
Re: FDK Expecting July's Challenge By Matt
Reply #35 - Jul 3rd, 2010 at 2:05pm
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I had the same critique when I read it Denise, I didn't think I covered that aspect well enough, that is one of the things that I need to tweek before it gets put up. Wink

Louise, I'm glad you liked it, yes doing research for a story is fun! Smiley

MACHOs and WIMPs as in quarks? Sounds like fun!  Smiley

An acronym for STRAKER might be tough, lots of letters, but I know you will think of something! Wink

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Trust no one.

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Re: FDK Expecting July's Challenge By Matt
Reply #36 - Jul 3rd, 2010 at 2:09pm
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I finall y worked it out this morining!

Spacial, Time -Related, Anomaly with Kinetic Energy Resonances

How about that then!

And it fits with the story!!

Theres another one called SHADO!

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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: FDK Expecting July's Challenge By Matt
Reply #37 - Jul 3rd, 2010 at 2:11pm
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Awesome!!! Smiley

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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Location: Coventry, RI
Re: FDK Expecting July's Challenge By Matt
Reply #38 - Jul 3rd, 2010 at 5:55pm
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I just finished final edit on Expecting, it will go up later today! Smiley

I hope everyone enjoyed it! Smiley

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Everyone at SHADO drinks

Posts: 2391
Location: Coventry, RI
Re: FDK Expecting July's Challenge By Matt
Reply #39 - Jul 9th, 2010 at 10:43pm
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My thoughts on the story:

As a man who has never been in a delivery room, I picked a humdinger of a subject to write about.

“Expecting” came about as my response to the July writer’s guild challenge. We had to do a story of kids in HQ and I wanted to stay in my “Soul Mates” story arc. Thus “Expecting” was born.

I had already planned for Virginia and Ed to have children at some point in the saga, in fact they discover that she is pregnant in the planned story “Dark SHADO” while trapped in the mirror universe portrayed in my version of “The Bodyguard”. I always figured that Ginny would make a great Mom, and I loved the way Denise portrayed her in “Kid Stuff”.

“I had to do a lot of research to get this story done properly. That can be quite a bit of fun, as you get to learn new things and expand your horizons.

One of the big things I was able to explore was how HQ would run in a crisis without Straker or his second at the helm. This story leaves Paul Foster in command something that would be scary to some folks. In my story arc Paul has grown considerably over the past year. He has come to realize that he’s not as experienced as Ed and can’t just step in and put his feet up.

Paul really got to shine in this story by becoming a team player. He knew he needed help and he was wise enough to ask for it. Way to go Paul!

I was able to give Lt. Colonel Jennifer Wallace a larger role in this story. As Ginny’s protégé she is quite an interesting character. I introduced her in the story “Mission of Mercy” and finally have her appearance in my head. Long red hair, green eyes, attractive, I’m considering a follow on to “Matters of the Heart” where she hooks up with Ed!

I really wanted Ed to have the honor of delivering his own children, without having to deal with other problems. Trapping them together was the perfect way to do it. Ed was able to capture some of the happiness he had been denied in the series. I knew that a woman in labor could get a bit testy, thanks to Louise and Denise for the guidance there. I hope Ginny gave him enough of the what for!

This was a learning experience for Ed as well; he got to see firsthand that SHADO can survive without him there, all the time and he can share the load with others. This is something that I see Ginny teaching him. As Alec told him in “Soul Mates” being in love suits him.

This was an all around fun story to write and I hope everyone enjoyed it.

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Re: FDK Expecting July's Challenge By Matt
Reply #40 - Jul 9th, 2010 at 11:02pm
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Good walk-through of your thinking while writing the story!

This was a very enjoyable story to read!  You had lots of action, and lots of interaction between characters.  Both are important for a real pageturner of a story.

And of course, Straker has to deliver his own kids!  He's The Man, after all!  Wink
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