Kids Stuff
I thought Ed was dreaming at the beginning, as he did, and you kept us thinking that until - was abruptly awake -
He knows that it wouldn't be his son, but stillwants to treat himself to the pleasure of spending time with John, instead of doing as he should and calling security... not very sensible Ed, but we'll forgive you!.
And then the mystery continues with Ford's call!
A lovely scene with children in the Control room... are the children in 'control'? Is that the aim of this? to have the children affect the staff so much that they can no longer operate effectively? Will Ed be able to cope with losing John again? will he have to make another life-or-death decision about the children?
Virginia... that was so sad and Ed's reaction was perfect.

and White's 'the small of them reminds me of my daughter' ( the crayons) absolutely spot on. there are so many smells thatremind me of when my children were little (Infacare babybath for one!) and wax crayons have a unique smell of their own.
And then there is the revelation that these are lost children. but they have been found - will they have to lose them again?
This is going to be sad.....

Straker felt bereft.... - but he knows that it is not his son..
How can you stay so calm Ed!! and he has a responsibility to the base.. Question of Priorities again?? Getting worried here!
Lunch in the cafeteria.... I can imagine it!!

But duty calls.....
The art of the bluff... I wouldn't want Jackson involved in this either!

'These few hours may be all we'll get' I love the way Ed has accepted this.
(although I hate the phrase 'quality time'.. I think he might have just said 'time'... all time spent with these children will be precious) I really can't see this ending happily.......
But I'm desperate to read the next part!