Neesierie Colonel Offline Straker, somehow it's always about you. Posts: 990 Location: Fulton, MO Col. Alec Freeman Jul 19th, 2011 at 3:26pm Print Post Well, I really thought Nans would start a thread for this, but since she never did -- here goes! My beta tester describes Alec as 'the everyman to Straker's genius', and indeed, he makes a good foil for the illustrious commander. But what do you think goes on in his mind when his friend and boss goes off on one of his tangents? You know very well he's saying to himself: "Here we go again!" My favorite stories to write deal with Alec and the commander. It's just so much fun to put Straker into a position where Alec can't figure him out, then watch them play off each other. We already know what kind of Ed/Alec stories Yuchy likes to write. Anyone else want to tell us how much fun they have with Alec in their stories? The sky is not the limit; nor are the stars. WWW IP Logged
Matt Colonel Offline Everyone at SHADO drinks coffee! Posts: 2391 Location: Coventry, RI Re: Col. Alec Freeman Reply #1 - Jul 19th, 2011 at 7:54pm Print Post Well, I'm going to pair him up with Ed's younger sister Barbara, when I re-write Soul Mates. Boy is he going to have his hands full! As Straker's foil, Alec is the bomb! That's a given. He plays well off of others as well, Foster, Henderson, Lake, Jackson. I would have loved to see more of Ginny and Alec sparring. And the scenes with Jackson? Priceless! What do you mean, we're out of coffee! WWW IP Logged
Librarian IAC Member Offline I may be blonde but... Posts: 658 Location: Washington (not DC) Re: Col. Alec Freeman Reply #2 - Jul 19th, 2011 at 10:41pm Print Post I don't recall at the moment if I've actually described Alec this way, but I see him as a loyal pooch who adopted and raised a kitten - and then can't figure out how his baby got up in that tree or why his baby insists his diet needs more mice. If you only have one solution to a problem - you're not trying. IP Logged
Neesierie Colonel Offline Straker, somehow it's always about you. Posts: 990 Location: Fulton, MO Re: Col. Alec Freeman Reply #3 - Jul 19th, 2011 at 11:39pm Print Post OMG! That's funny -- I don't care who you are! The sky is not the limit; nor are the stars. WWW IP Logged
Librarian IAC Member Offline I may be blonde but... Posts: 658 Location: Washington (not DC) Re: Col. Alec Freeman Reply #4 - Jul 19th, 2011 at 11:52pm Print Post Alec: Ed, you're in a tree. Ed: So? Alec: What are you doing in a tree? Ed: Have you seen the mice that hide out in trees? Alec: I think those are called squirrels. Ed: I that case, we're having squirrel for dinner. Alec (shaking his head): Kids these days... up in trees, hunting squirrels... If you only have one solution to a problem - you're not trying. IP Logged
Neesierie Colonel Offline Straker, somehow it's always about you. Posts: 990 Location: Fulton, MO Re: Col. Alec Freeman Reply #5 - Jul 20th, 2011 at 3:30am Print Post *gasp*gasp* Thanks, Deb, for making my day! The sky is not the limit; nor are the stars. WWW IP Logged
Matt Colonel Offline Everyone at SHADO drinks coffee! Posts: 2391 Location: Coventry, RI Re: Col. Alec Freeman Reply #6 - Jul 20th, 2011 at 1:38pm Print Post ROTFLMAO! There are some classic Alec moments in the SID thread, we did a while back. Or, if you like the mirror universe... Very quickly, Straker raises his pistol and shoots his bodyguard right between the eyes. "You enjoyed that, didn't you?" asked Alec, taking another pull on his glass of whiskey. : What do you mean, we're out of coffee! WWW IP Logged
Neesierie Colonel Offline Straker, somehow it's always about you. Posts: 990 Location: Fulton, MO Re: Col. Alec Freeman Reply #7 - Aug 3rd, 2011 at 1:28pm Print Post What I find the most fun with the Ed/Alec dynamic is that Alec both knows his friend well and doesn't get him at all! This dichotomy makes for some great scenes, which every writer enjoys! The sky is not the limit; nor are the stars. WWW IP Logged
Yuchtar Lieutenant Offline Where are my glasses? Posts: 82 Location: Earth Re: Col. Alec Freeman Reply #8 - Aug 4th, 2011 at 5:45am Print Post Quote:We already know what kind of Ed/Alec stories Yuchy likes to write. Grin Heh heh. I am the resident perv, so, what can I say? Quote:Ed: I that case, we're having squirrel for dinner. HA! Alec is the one guy Ed can't intimidate - the one guy guaranteed to tell it like it is when things get tough. Yeah, I'm a smutty-minded perv - what of it? WWW IP Logged
Matt Colonel Offline Everyone at SHADO drinks coffee! Posts: 2391 Location: Coventry, RI Re: Col. Alec Freeman Reply #9 - Aug 4th, 2011 at 11:38am Print Post Yuchtar wrote on Aug 4th, 2011 at 5:45am:Alec is the one guy Ed can't intimidate - the one guy guaranteed to tell it like it is when things get tough. So true! Although Ginny told him off quite well in Expecting, but you can get away with anything when your in labor. What do you mean, we're out of coffee! WWW IP Logged
Shado Philippines Recruit Offline UFO Rocks! Posts: 4 Location: Metro Manila, Philippines Re: Col. Alec Freeman Reply #10 - Sep 10th, 2015 at 12:10pm Print Post Col. Freeman - I wonder if they would have brought him back if the series had been renewed for another season. I had heard that he left to shoot another series because of production problems. I think Col. Freeman was Commander Straker's conscience, a void that Colonel Lake never seemed to fill. If I wanted to have a little fun with a script, I would have the General retire and Col. Freeman replace him. Moving Straker to the position wouldn't work any better than moving Captain Kirk to Admiral did. Straker is a hands on commander, not a desk jockey. I would like to see how Straker and Freeman interacted with "General" Freeman being senior to him. Shado PhilippinesJungle Patrol Division IP Logged
SHADO Librarian IAC Chair Offline UFO Rocks Posts: 222 Location: Washington (not DC) Re: Col. Alec Freeman Reply #11 - Sep 16th, 2015 at 1:10pm Print Post It's impossible to say what would have happened if UFO had continued into another season (although Anderson did let people know what he was thinking for UFO before he was ordered to do something else) - but that's what fan writing is about. All the 'what ifs'. The Administrator. WWW Facebook IP Logged