Everything Henderson says (in those scenes) is Straker's hallucination. Sheep, baaa baaa baaa and all. It's the way Straker's unconscious mind sees Henderson. Thinking henderson sees his people as a bunch of sheep. Mindless yes men and women. There just might be jealousy in that, maybe Straker thinks Henderson is jealous of his ability to have people follow his leadership so he mocks it with the maaaaaahhh maaaaah.
What I found interesting was 'You don't care, you really don't care' That's interesting coming from Straker, a man who often is considered to be just as uncaring. That tells me the opposite. The 'somebody ought to (beat you to a crisp ) is something meaty for writers too. Henderson (in his head) responds with "You don't have the guts'
Does that label
Straker as thinking he is or being a coward? Heck no. Ed was acting like a Looney Tunes tornado due to the moon rock, of course Henderson would think he 'would finish me' If I was in that office, I'd be under Straker's desk.

I didn't read anything into Foster's look except damn, Straker's alive there goes my promotion
Henderson is a bigger man than Straker, but it's the quick striking, skinny younger Boston guys that can turn you into a hoagie if you don't watch out.

In Reflections, Straker is a decent hand-to-hand fighter. He crushed that fake Foster's throat bone with one hand, maybe the hyloid? Good arm and hand strength, muscle strength? Maybe paperweight lifting reps?

I always thought Straker didn't defend himself well in that ep. To my surprise a combat book I recently bought told me how wrong I was.
Thinking Henderson was a wuss based on one sentence is on par with thinking Lake was Sleep Around Susie just because she had a thing for Craig and Foster.
In the story
The Island, I made it where Henderson was jealous of what Straker achieved, as being the motivation for the loss of friendship. (plus I added another factor to push him all the way over the edge ) Straker took what was Henderson's. I don't think Straker ever lost respect for him, however.
My question is, what on earth was a lamp from a BAR doing in Henderson's office? Was the art/set director on drugs?
Henderson had an ugly office. imo