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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Favourite Movies (Read 14418 times)
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Re: Favourite Movies
Reply #15 - Aug 9th, 2010 at 10:56pm
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Rocky Horror and The Crow are classics!  If it doesn't date me too much, I'll admit that when I was in college, I dressed up and went to the midnight showing of Rocky Horror at the campus theatre at least 13 times!  I think 'Just a jump to the left' would make a great quote, don't you?  Cheesy

And Brandon Lee rocked as the Crow!  *sigh*  Too bad he was cursed.  :Smiley
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Lurker/Pain in dragon's

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Re: Favourite Movies
Reply #16 - Aug 9th, 2010 at 11:38pm
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I still want to go dressed up, but I've gone to the college campus showing most years i've been able to. >W< soo much fun to go in droves for that kind of thing.

And that is why I cannot watch the crow more than once a year. T^T

I often wonder how anyone over the age of 50 can revert into being a petty, self-centered, megalomaniacal 5 year old, then I remember: Not everyone can function as a real person.
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Re: Favourite Movies
Reply #17 - Aug 10th, 2010 at 6:43am
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I do like Howls Moving Castle, adn the story bout the little gilr whose family are turned into pigs ( daughter number 2 has the dvd so i can't remember the name!)
and Im tiypng ..quietly bed in the dark soexcuse the typos!

Spirited Away! Thats the title! Husband now awake so i can see  what i am typing! Studio Ghibli stuff


Flying Dragon.... something something...

A History of Violence    Vigor Mortensen?

Loads of other films, but Daughter#2 has all the dvds (meanie!)
I like film soundtracks as well!
« Last Edit: Aug 10th, 2010 at 7:55am by Lightcudder »  

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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: Favourite Movies
Reply #18 - Aug 10th, 2010 at 8:18am
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Louise, knowing you like soundtracks and Zimmer, you must have enjoyed Crimson Tide! Wink

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Re: Favourite Movies
Reply #19 - Aug 10th, 2010 at 8:27am
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Ummm... haven't seen it... goes away to hide in embarrassment.

my husband doesn't 'do' cinema or movies. particularly violent ones
Last film we went to see was Harry Potter. .. the latest one.

Suggestions for violent films with good soundtracks that poor deprived Lousie needs to see?

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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: Favourite Movies
Reply #20 - Aug 10th, 2010 at 8:31am
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Two that come to mind right away are "The Quick and the Dead" and "Broken Arrow". Another co worker at my former job used to bring in soundtrack tapes all the time! Great entertainment! Smiley

What do you mean, we're out of coffee!
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Re: Favourite Movies
Reply #21 - Aug 10th, 2010 at 2:10pm
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Spirited Away?  I found it incomprehensible.  My second son enjoyed it very much, but then he's used to anime and can follow it easily.  It didn't capture my interest and in fact bored me most of the way through.  I don't think I liked any of the characters, which for me is a huge turn-off.  If I'm remembering correctly, I thought at one point that if it hadn't been a cartoon, I'd have turned it off within the first half hour.  But I'm partial to cartoon art, so I finished watching. *shrug*
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Re: Favourite Movies
Reply #22 - Aug 10th, 2010 at 2:21pm
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Spirited Away makes a lot more sense if you're familiar with both oriental and middle european mythology. It's a lot different from the candy coated fairy tales of Europe and the States. So, it won't appeal to everyone.
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Re: Favourite Movies
Reply #23 - Aug 10th, 2010 at 2:26pm
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Viggo Mortensen was pretty phantastic in "Eastern Promises", also directed by Cronenberg.
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Re: Favourite Movies
Reply #24 - Aug 10th, 2010 at 4:39pm
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I have no trouble with mythology.  It was a major fun topic for me as a teen.  My daughter helped me understand why I didn't like the movie.  Anime focuses on storyline far more than character development, which is where I focus.  In fact, most anime characters are extremely one-dimensional and tend to be childish.  And since my need as a viewer is to connect with the protagonist, it doesn't reach me.  But the background artwork is incredible, another area anime apparently focuses on.
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Trust no one.

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Re: Favourite Movies
Reply #25 - Aug 10th, 2010 at 4:57pm
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I mentioned this to Denise and thought others might be interested as i've never seenthem before... Shakespeare's plays in anime style ( very well done) at The Forbidden Planet shop in Edinburgh. They didn't have Hamlet or Romeo and Juliet but I
think I'll order R &J for work.. its a GCSE text! Might keep the kids interested!

Dragon would have loved teh place.. but No ufo stuff at all!  LOADS of anime, etc  and off-kilter sci-fi  Dr Who etc!

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Re: Favourite Movies
Reply #26 - Aug 10th, 2010 at 5:24pm
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Denise: Actually, some anime does develope character. D Gray man (my latest obsession) has developed the main character a great deal, but it is unusual. I think it has something to do with the cultural background: the group is important, the individual not so much in contrast to Occidental thought where the individual is more important ... sort of. LOL.

Older anime is much more group oriented, while the newer stuff that develops out of manga is beginning to focus more on character development. Probably also helps if it's a series and not a movie.  Grin

Me, I'm an orientalist in a lot of ways, so I dig it. But I know it's not everyone's cup of tea/Starbuck's ...  Cheesy <straker glaring at dragon>  :Smiley

The Rini-chan is a fan, the middle kid looks at me oddly and the son unit can take it or leave it (he reads online comics). Even the spousal unit and I don't agree on which ones are good and which ones are drop it. We're watching Slayers at the moment and that's one I could leave nicely. He didn't care for Black Cat and Black Blood Brothers ... both of which I liked. On the other hand. Bleach we're both nuts about. LOL.

Oh, and actually, the Rini reads manga in preference to the anime sometimes.

End of dissertation (now that's an idea! If I end up in english I could do a dissertation on manga/anime and reading ... with kudus to the forum for ideas, of course ... LOL)

<sigh, some day I really will grow up ... NOT!>


So, you know about Baba Yaga, etc? I had to go look some of it up when I saw Spirited Away 'cause it wasn't as familiar as I thought. Liked Howl's Moving Castle better. Liked Captain Harlock even more than either of these, but that's probably because our hero (all of the hero's have scars ... odd) gets to stand on the deck of his three masted space ship and pilot it with an old fashioned ship's wheel ... can you say incredibly forgiving universe???? LOL. No, he isn't wearing a space suit. Sometimes pure insanity is the only reason for watching something.

Completely away from animation: Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things: the worlds greatest Jewish witch shtick while trying to wake the dead. Unfortunately, surrounded by the world's worst self produced vanity zombie movie.

off to do something more productive now.

Louise: anime shakespeare .... whoo hoo! Thanks for letting me know about that. I'll have to look for it. (not that I'd want Romeo and Juliet or probably King Lear, my least favorite plays ... LOL.)

going now ... for real ... honestly

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Re: Favourite Movies
Reply #27 - Aug 10th, 2010 at 6:12pm
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Interesting.  My second son (the writer) is very fond of bringing up his favorite anime in any given conversation, so I've gotten a lot of background that way, as well as through my own inquisitive nature.  Grin

I usually don't comment on people's movie preferences, because it's such a personal topic.  But I was so surprised that Louise liked Spirited Away that I had to try and find out why.  (And of course, I know her well enough that she wouldn't be offended if I disagreed with her!  She knows me well enough to be certain I wasn't being snide.)

Most of the movie choices people have mentioned have been ones I've seen and/or own.  So it's cool that the majority of us all have somewhat similar taste in movies!  There were a few mentioned that I've never heard of, but a small side trip to IMDb will easily take care of that.  Don't you love how easy research is with the Internet?  Wink
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Trust no one.

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Re: Favourite Movies
Reply #28 - Aug 10th, 2010 at 6:27pm
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I must be honest there are some films that i shudder to mention in my favourites list.

Bend it like Beckham
Flash Gordon
The Great Escape

do you really want to read on?

Breakheart Pass... Charles Bronson
Under Seige... oh come on now... he was good in that one!... cheesy but good!
The transporter. 1, 2 and 3
Man on Fire.. very violent..... Grin
The Truman Show... wonderful piano track while he is sleeping..
Reservoir Dogs... wincing at the violence
Field Of Dreams..... if you build it....
OH YES! and ...
Tremors...She will have.. long blonde hair, big green eyes, ass that won't quit and legs that go ALL the way up! (Kevin Bacon .. drool)
Groundhog Day
The Fugitive
Swordfish... I like John Travolta.... which reminds me
and... nearly at the end!

Oh heck.. what about Ferris Buellers Day Off... Classic
Weekend at Bernies.. (the original)
The Money Pit

I'll stop..

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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: Favourite Movies
Reply #29 - Aug 10th, 2010 at 6:40pm
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The Great Escape, Ferris Buellers Day Off, two more of my favorites!

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