Denise: Actually, some anime does develope character. D Gray man (my latest obsession) has developed the main character a great deal, but it is unusual. I think it has something to do with the cultural background: the group is important, the individual not so much in contrast to Occidental thought where the individual is more important ... sort of. LOL.
Older anime is much more group oriented, while the newer stuff that develops out of manga is beginning to focus more on character development. Probably also helps if it's a series and not a movie.
Me, I'm an orientalist in a lot of ways, so I dig it. But I know it's not everyone's cup of tea/Starbuck's ...

<straker glaring at dragon> :
The Rini-chan is a fan, the middle kid looks at me oddly and the son unit can take it or leave it (he reads online comics). Even the spousal unit and I don't agree on which ones are good and which ones are drop it. We're watching Slayers at the moment and that's one I could leave nicely. He didn't care for Black Cat and Black Blood Brothers ... both of which I liked. On the other hand. Bleach we're both nuts about. LOL.
Oh, and actually, the Rini reads manga in preference to the anime sometimes.
End of dissertation (now that's an idea! If I end up in english I could do a dissertation on manga/anime and reading ... with kudus to the forum for ideas, of course ... LOL)
<sigh, some day I really will grow up ... NOT!>
So, you know about Baba Yaga, etc? I had to go look some of it up when I saw Spirited Away 'cause it wasn't as familiar as I thought. Liked Howl's Moving Castle better. Liked Captain Harlock even more than either of these, but that's probably because our hero (all of the hero's have scars ... odd) gets to stand on the deck of his three masted space ship and pilot it with an old fashioned ship's wheel ... can you say incredibly forgiving universe???? LOL. No, he isn't wearing a space suit. Sometimes pure insanity is the only reason for watching something.
Completely away from animation: Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things: the worlds greatest Jewish witch shtick while trying to wake the dead. Unfortunately, surrounded by the world's worst self produced vanity zombie movie.
off to do something more productive now.
Louise: anime shakespeare .... whoo hoo! Thanks for letting me know about that. I'll have to look for it. (not that I'd want Romeo and Juliet or probably King Lear, my least favorite plays ... LOL.)
going now ... for real ... honestly