Quote:AS for putting Ed in hospital... who..ME? Never! It comes from working in one.. possibly! (And I always justify it!... Hey... he and I have a good relationship. we understand each other!)
Laughing very hard. I *read* most of your stuff , or to say it with Gertrude...
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Hey, each to his own as they say!
Denise does Romance (sigh!

I envy her ability to write truly romantic stories. Matt does Action and Tech (smarty-pants Matt!

I don't always understand the technics, but I enjoy them immensely! Dragon does....... whatever her muse tells her to do!
Always great fun to read! and me?.. I do violence.
goes with the territory. Keeps me sane.
Oh.. and the very occasional parody.. Lightcudder v. Foster
and an April Fools one that I enjoyed doing ; Just Another Day
I did do Thunderbirds for a while, but dropped out. Boring.
Wooden characters with no emotions.....
(Snigger snigger) It's nice to have a wide mix of talents. It would be dull if we all did the same style. And I wouldn't be able to learn from the other writers on the forum.. I will get round to doing the sex scene now.
possibly ..
goes away to think about it. My Glitch will hopefully be finished this week.
A short story... I still have to finish Dark Matters and there are two others on the back-burner as well as another in the planning stage.
Too much writing, too little time. >