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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) August Challenge? (Read 21265 times)
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Re: August Challenge?
Reply #30 - Aug 5th, 2010 at 8:09pm
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They were labeled?
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Re: August Challenge?
Reply #31 - Aug 6th, 2010 at 8:50pm
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The canadians? No, but they told us they were Canadian... Two fat men in brightpink and turquoise y-fronts... exceptionally funny.. out on the main street undressing..!


  People keep changing their logos/slogans/mottos.

So I am struggling to remember who had what!!!!

Suggest that each writer puts at the end of their story the quotes they used and who they were from...or is that going to make too much work for everyone?

Wish I hadn't started this!!!!

And I will get round to the reviews ... as soon as I get some reading done.. Glitch by assorted authors, and writing my own  Glitch.. not sure which version to use!!
One is NFic.. and I'll need to be brave (very brave indeed!) to write it!!


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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: August Challenge?
Reply #32 - Aug 7th, 2010 at 5:07pm
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Louise, when I'm done I'll send you a marked up copy with the slogans highlighted and footnotes at the end summerizing which ones I used and who they came from. Smiley

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Re: August Challenge?
Reply #33 - Aug 7th, 2010 at 5:15pm
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I've just realised... as the challenge 'setter' I don't stand a chance of winning... so I don't have to put so many quotes in!

And I have got so confused with the changes people have made to their quotes.!

Thanks Matt.I appreciate it!

When you do send it, i'd like to review it and make some comments etc if you don't mind.I did start on a downloaded copy, but I think you've updated it so I would like to review the 'final' draft.

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Re: August Challenge?
Reply #34 - Aug 9th, 2010 at 2:16pm
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Like Matt I understood this "under the name" meaning the quote on the left side under the avatar, and that were the phrases I worked in.

So which do you want now, the signatures or the quotes on the left? Or both?
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Re: August Challenge?
Reply #35 - Aug 9th, 2010 at 2:25pm
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Both, either, whichever! They are all changing so much I can't remember who had what! Cheesy
The signature at the bottom of posts to go wherever, the phrase under your name at the side to tbe the last line.
I think!!
But it isn't a serious challenge, and there are no winners, so don't worry.. I just thought I'd be mean to MAtt when I set it! .. he had that phrase about Tomorrow/today/yesterday... and Normandie had the Knee deep in ironing.. and Matt has used my idea for that so i had to improvise.

It's the Ping from Vasily that's worrying me now! :Smiley

AS for putting Ed in hospital... who..ME? Never! It comes from working in one.. possibly!   (And I always justify it!... Hey... he and I have a good relationship. we understand each other!) Cool

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Re: August Challenge?
Reply #36 - Aug 9th, 2010 at 2:30pm
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Louise said: 'Hey... he and I have a good relationship. we understand each other!'

*sigh*  That's so true.  It's all in the interviews.  Wink
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Re: August Challenge?
Reply #37 - Aug 9th, 2010 at 2:33pm
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Hi Louise,

okay - then all of them any which way, except the own left-hand one going last. I'm going at such a leisurely pace that there'll be space for all of them.

AS for putting Ed in hospital... who..ME? Never! It comes from working in one.. possibly!   (And I always justify it!... Hey... he and I have a good relationship. we understand each other!)

Laughing very hard. I *read* most of your stuff  Wink, or to say it with Gertrude...

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

<extremely sweet smile here>
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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: August Challenge?
Reply #38 - Aug 9th, 2010 at 2:33pm
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I don't know Denise, Colonel Felt is in pretty good with The Man too! I'd have to say they have a pretty good relationship. (snickering here) Cheesy

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Re: August Challenge?
Reply #39 - Aug 9th, 2010 at 2:33pm
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Yes Denise,  but you know him better!! (snigger)

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Re: August Challenge?
Reply #40 - Aug 9th, 2010 at 3:57pm
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AS for putting Ed in hospital... who..ME? Never! It comes from working in one.. possibly!   (And I always justify it!... Hey... he and I have a good relationship. we understand each other!)

Laughing very hard. I *read* most of your stuff  , or to say it with Gertrude...

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Hey, each to his own as they say!

Denise does Romance (sigh! Kiss) I envy her ability to write truly romantic stories.
Matt does Action and Tech (smarty-pants Matt! ShockedI don't always understand the technics, but I enjoy them immensely!
Dragon does....... whatever her muse tells her to do! Grin Always great fun to read!

and me?.. I do violence.  Wink

goes with the territory.
Keeps me sane. Cheesy

Oh.. and the very occasional parody.. Lightcudder v. Foster
and an April Fools one that I enjoyed doing ; Just Another Day

I did do Thunderbirds for a while, but dropped out. Boring.

Wooden characters with no emotions..... (Snigger snigger)

It's nice to have a wide mix of talents. It would be dull if we all did the same style. And I wouldn't be able to learn from the other writers on the forum.. I will get round to doing the sex scene now. maybe. possibly .. goes away to think about it.

My Glitch will hopefully be finished this week.
A short story... I still have to finish Dark Matters and there are two others on the back-burner as well as another in the planning stage. 

Too much writing, too little time.  >Sad

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Re: August Challenge?
Reply #41 - Aug 9th, 2010 at 10:40pm
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I'm not so sure about knowing him better!  After all, you married him!!!  Kiss

(Or were you referring to the interviews again?) *snicker*
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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Location: Coventry, RI
Re: August Challenge?
Reply #42 - Aug 9th, 2010 at 11:40pm
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I don't know Denise I'd put money that the Colonel and the Commander might take a trip to the altar, maybe not this story, but you never know! Cheesy

What do you mean, we're out of coffee!
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Re: August Challenge?
Reply #43 - Aug 10th, 2010 at 2:48am
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You think? * Roll Eyes*  Wow -- my mind just turned to goo . . .  Kiss
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Re: August Challenge?
Reply #44 - Aug 12th, 2010 at 5:40pm
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Will you all please stop changing your quotes....... I can't keep up!
Or at least add the new ones to the ones you already have!   Grin

God doesn't think he's Straker, he just wishes he was!


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