Chapter 5: Ed Straker was driving in to HQ. Nine sightings at once had to be more than an anomaly. Colonel Lake had already brought Moonbase to red alert and he had ordered Foster to do the same at HQ. He picked up the phone. “This is Straker, patch me through to Moonbase.” A few seconds later Virginia Lake came on the line. “Colonel Lake, what’s your situation?” “We’re at red alert. The first wave of interceptors is en-route to the most likely interception point. The second wave is warmed up on the pads.” “Any idea what the trajectory termination is yet?” “No sir, they are too far out, we can’t triangulate on them until they get closer.” Straker was frustrated, not for the first time, at the limitations of the tracking network. Damn the IAC for not funding more than one satellite. “Alright, I’ll be at HQ in about ten minutes. Keep me posted Colonel.” “Yes sir.” Straker hung up the phone saying to himself, “Good luck Virginia.” Red alert, red alert, Have multiple UFO’s on positive track. Range fifty million miles. Speed SOL 6. Trajectory termination, Moonbase operations area. “Damn,” said Ginny. “Second wave, immediate launch, I repeat immediate launch.” Gay Ellis punched up the target data for both sets of interceptors not waiting to be asked. “Targeting data being computed now,” she reported. Ginny nodded as she keyed her mic, “Moonbase to SHADO control. “ “This is control, Foster here.” “We have the trajectory termination as Moonbase operations area. Both waves of interceptors have been launched. Time on target for the first wave is five minutes. TOT for the second wave is ten minutes.” “Very well, standby for Commander Straker.” “Standing by.” Ginny turned to Lt. Anders, “Joanna let’s get the ground defense launchers in place.” “Yes ma’am.” “Moonbase, this is Straker.” Ginny turned back to the vidlink, “Yes Commander?” “Status report Colonel.” “Both waves of interceptors are launched and ground defense launchers are being moved into position.” Back at HQ Straker nodded. Virginia had covered all her bases, he had expected as much and he knew he didn’t need to look over her shoulder. “Very well, keep me posted Colonel. Good luck.” “Yes sir, thank you sir.” Ginny knew that the Commander was worried, and truth be told, so was she. This time they knew that they were the target. “The first wave is reaching launch point, Colonel.” “Very well.” The first wave of interceptors soared through space rapidly closing with their target. Piloting Interceptor 1 was Lt. Stephen Harris. He double checked the targeting data as every shot had to count. He was very well aware that if they missed they may not have a base to return to. “Interceptor leader to group; break formation.” The three interceptors separated each closing on a group of UFO’s. They were hoping to get more than one apiece. A minute later they were at launch point. “Interceptor leader to group; Missile launch in five…four…three…two…one…launch!” The three interceptors each launched their single nuclear warhead. A few minutes later three nuclear explosions ripped through the fabric of space.” Back at Moonbase Gay watched her screen as the missiles exploded. Out of the nine targets, only five were left. “We got four of them Colonel.” A cheer went up in the control sphere; their odds of survival had just increased significantly. “How long before the second wave is in position?” asked Ginny. “One minute, Colonel.” The second wave of interceptors was being commanded by Lt. Andrew Conroy. He checked his targeting data. “Interceptor 4 to group; break formation.” Piloting Interceptor 6 was Captain John Martin. He was still chaffed by the fact that his probation would not allow him to command the group. He just should have asked for a transfer Earth side until Lake was gone, but he wanted to fly. He wasn’t happy with the target data either. “Andy, these numbers don’t look right.” Conroy double checked his figures, “They look fine to me John.” “The range is off; they can’t be that far away.” “John, remember what happened last time. Just go with their numbers. Trust me they’re right.” Martin wasn’t convinced; he activated the manual override on the targeting computer and changed the range settings. “Interceptor 4 to group; missile launch in five…four…three…two…one…launch.” The interceptors launched their missiles. Three more explosions ripped through space. The missile from interceptor six exploded a few seconds before the others allowing two UFO’s to avoid the explosion. On Moonbase, Lt. Ellis watched the screen as two more targets disappeared from the screen. Four UFO’s were going to make it through. “Four made it through Colonel.” “Ginny activated the internal alarm as she spoke into the intercom, “This is Colonel Lake; all nonessential personal are to proceed to the shelter immediately.” Ginny turned to the two women in the command sphere, “Alright girls, we don’t need to have all of us in here. Get to the shelter. Lt. Anders, transfer fire control to my station please.” “Yes ma’am.” Gay waited until Joanna had left, then turned to Ginny. “I’m staying Ginny.” “Gay, the ground defenses weren’t designed to handle four UFO’s, anyone that stays up here is putting them self at unnecessary risk.” “Ginny, I’m not leaving my best friend up here alone, besides we stand a better chance with two people on fire control.” Ginny knew she was right; it could make a difference. “Alright, take the fire control station and launcher two.” “Moonbase to SHADO control.” In the underground headquarters of SHADO, Colonel Lake appeared on the vidlink. Ed Straker flipped up the mic to answer. “This is Straker.” “We were able to destroy five of the nine UFO’s. Four of them are inbound. I’ve ordered all but essential personal to the shelter.” “How long until they arrive?” “Five minutes. There isn’t enough time to rearm the interceptors. I’m holding them in orbit until it’s over…” her voice trailed off. “Leave this channel open Colonel, we’ll be standing by.” “Yes sir.” Ed was worried; Moonbase was not well defended even with the ground defenses. He felt a pang in his heart as he realized he was worried about Virginia as well. She was a good friend and… Ed would not allow himself to finish the thought. “Lt. Ford, put Skydiver 2 on alert. One of them may break off and head to Earth.” Hopefully, he thought. “Yes sir.” The four alien craft separated; two of them dropped down close the lunar surface, while the other two approached Moonbase from above. In the control sphere, Ginny began to sweat from the tension and she could feel the adrenalin flowing. She aimed the launcher at the two craft as they approached. Outside the explosions shook the base as the UFO’s fired their directed energy weapons. One of the defense missiles found its mark and the alien craft exploded. “I got one,” Ginny said to Gay. Gay’s heart was beating in double time as she targeted the two craft approaching at ground level. She released a salvo of missiles destroying both alien craft. “Two UFO’s destroyed,” she said. The alien craft that Ginny had missed fired at Gay’s launcher destroying it.” “Launcher two destroyed,” she said with a feeling of foreboding. In lunar orbit Captain Martin was distraught, having made another serious error in judgment; one that might cost the lives of everyone on Moonbase. The second defense launcher had been destroyed and the first one was probably low on missiles. Martin realized he had only one way to atone for his indiscretion. He reached a decision and fired his main engine and headed toward the surface. The remaining UFO started its attack this time approaching along the lunar surface. It fired an energy beam at the last launcher destroying it. In the control sphere Ginny looked at Gay, “That’s it, we’re wide open now.” The two women walked to the window and watched as the UFO circled around for the final assault. Captain Martin spotted the UFO skirting along the lunar surface. He put his interceptor in a dive towards the alien craft. His fear was checked by a sense of duty and obligation. Gay and Ginny watched the alien craft as it approached determined to face death without showing the fear they both felt. Ginny thought she noticed something heading towards the alien craft. When Martin was a few hundred feet from the UFO he accelerated to maximum speed. The SHADO interceptor collided with the alien craft; the force of the impact pushing it to the lunar surface. The UFO and the interceptor both exploded on contact. In the command sphere the two women ducked as the base was showered with shrapnel. They could hear the pelting of metal on the skin of the sphere. Ginny rushed back to the center console. “Colonel Lake to all sections, damage report!” Turning to Gay she said, “Gay check atmospheric pressure in all sections.” Ellis punched up the systems check routine and looked at the pressure readings. “Readings are all normal Colonel, for now.” Ginny nodded knowing they would have to do an inspection on the outer skin very shortly. “Moonbase to interceptors, report in.” The five remaining interceptors reported in and Ginny had them return to base. “Moonbase to SHADO control.” At HQ Straker walked to the communications console and took the mic. “I’m glad to see you still in one piece Colonel, what’s your situation?” On the monitor Ed could see Virginia reading the damage report, “The explosion was very close to the base, less than a thousand yards. The atmospheric integrity is still okay, but we are going to have to survey the outer skin for damage. Some of the secondary systems have been knocked offline most of them just circuit breakers that tripped during the explosion.” “Casualties?” Ed asked afraid of the answer. “Only one, Captain Martin. He saved the base by ramming the UFO with his interceptor.” “I see, I’ll need a detailed report on that after you handle the more pressing matters. Good job Colonel, pass my congratulations along to your crew.” “Thank you sir.” As Ed walked back to his office offered a silent prayer of thanks, for more than one reason.