dragon has too many ideas and no time to work on them and is curious, not challenging. So, from time to time, I will purge the fan fic fairies into this file and writers who are having issues or are at a stand still, can peruse the list and see if anything strikes their fancy. No titles, just ideas:
Straker's daughter: adult, illegitimate, mother never told him.
Jackson is Straker's half brother. (OK, this one I may actually play with <g>)
Paul Foster meets his perfect significant other and takes a while to figure it out.
Keith Ford is a time traveler.
Keith Ford is an immortal and Straker finds out.
Alec Freeman isn't actually Alec Freeman.
UFO character wakes up to find SHADO is all a dream and some other universe is their real one. (And you were there, And you were there. And he was there ... LOL al la Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz)(Somehow, this just begs to re-people the Buffy/Angel-verse ... dun't ask.)
Straker is a demi-god with amnesia.
Doug Jackson is an alien working against his own people.
See, this is what I have to deal with every day and it's not just confined to this universe ...
Anyone else with idea overflow, feel free to add to the list
dragon the boiled brain. (temps rising into the 90s and heading for the 100s by the middle of June. I overheat ... LOL)