HEY!!! There's an idea for a challenge.
Write a story with your favourite UFO charcter ( I was going to say Straker ... But I thought of you, Matt!) as a Non-Mary-Sue!!
Ginny... fat, incomptetent, short hair. Dresses in Asda clothes. three kids, all in trouble with the police. Secret drinker ( gin)
Straker. bald, wrinkly, inept. Drives a ..? ah yes, drives a Peugeot 306, 03 numberplate in that revolting shade of puce that was so fashionable once.
and wears suits from Tesco. gave up smoking three years ago and has trhat sanctimonious attitude that only a non-smoker can have!
Paul Foster... easy... gay.. but utterly utterly camp with it.
Alec?.............. Someone else have a go?