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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) getting married in England (Read 6727 times)
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getting married in England
Jun 28th, 2010 at 2:23am
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Getting married in england:  blood tests yes or no, issuance of marriage license, civil ceremony time line, number of witnesses required?


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Re: getting married in England
Reply #1 - Jun 28th, 2010 at 7:02am
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Blood tests? Why on earth would you need blood tests!

Marraige.. Banns need to be posted three weeks before ceremony..
If in a church, both parties need to have been baptised and confirmed, Church of England vicar acts as registrar
two witnesses needed. and bride needs to have been resident of parish! (although you can get round that with a friendly vicar)
Church of England; straight forward marriage ceremony 20 mins long
Catholic; Nuptual Mass.  with marriage ceremony in the middle before communion..about one and a half hours!
In a registry office. Two witnesses needed,  and registrar... who can be booked up foir several months in advance.. not a simple matter getting married here now! 15- 20 mins long.

Some buildings now registered to hold marriage service... you can't just get married at home, on a beach etc. it has to be a place with a licence to hold them.. Mostly hotels... and all churches!

Registry... absolutely no religious music, songs, readings allowed.
and if the bride and groom are late by ten minutes it's cancelled!
Marriage licence issued by registrar in all cases.

i don't have any facts on Special Licences.. I'll research and let you know.

Okay...who is getting married?

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Re: getting married in England
Reply #2 - Jun 28th, 2010 at 7:33am
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Dragon.. useful website here.....
Oh yes, its expensive getting married... not just the dress etc, but the church fees are high.. over £500 for my daughter in 2005, and it was a very simple ceremony and the vicar was a family member!

Not on the website the times and days when you can/cannot get married as well!

I need some air.
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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: getting married in England
Reply #3 - Jun 28th, 2010 at 12:50pm
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Blood tests were required at one time here in the States (and may still be in some states) but I think that has gone by the wayside. I don't remember why, but they passed some crazy laws concerning family back in the twenties!

As far as marrige in England, I solved that problem in my last story by having Ginny and Matt hop a plane to the US! Wink

Great info Louise! Smiley

What do you mean, we're out of coffee!
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Re: getting married in England
Reply #4 - Jun 28th, 2010 at 1:52pm
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Blood tests are to make sure you're not closely related to your future spouse, as inbreeding caused many problems here in the States.  (And other places, which may or may not have dealt with the problem in their own way!)  They also are used to find out if you have a rare blood disorder that tends to lead to birth defects.  Good to know those things ahead of time, don't you think?
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Re: getting married in England
Reply #5 - Jun 28th, 2010 at 2:44pm
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Blood tests were required not just to make certain you weren't already related, but to check for STD's ... syphilis, etc. I didn't know they'd stopped doing that. The only state that didn't do this was Mississippi and they instituted it in the 1970's ... inbreeding is only functional for so long  Grin

I was figuring registry with a big reception afterwards. As to who, you'll find out. Mind you, it's a sequel to the skulls, so the ending is not a happy one. Hmm, I know boat captains can marry people, i wonder if SHADO commanders are so empowered ... <thoughtful look> ... different couple ...

thanks for the input and the site.

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Re: getting married in England
Reply #6 - Jun 28th, 2010 at 2:52pm
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I don't think boat captains can actually marry people now! Sorry! Embarrassed
But Shado Commanders?  Is that in his Job Description!  Grin
Registry offices are rather souless and tend to be difficult to get to (parking problems!).they are really only used when the couple are not having a reception afterwards. Most civil ceremonies are held in the same place as the reception... saves time and money!

Looking forward to this wedding... do we get invites! Wink

I need some air.
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Re: getting married in England
Reply #7 - Jun 28th, 2010 at 2:56pm
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Just to note: there are a few states in the US that still require blood tests including DC. Strange that they dropped the requirement ... LOL

I'm going to operate on the assumption that the same rules apply in the 1990 story i'm writing as do today since I'm entirely too lazy to do the historical research. Still wondering if I could get Straker to do the honors ... more research.  Cool
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Re: getting married in England
Reply #8 - Jun 28th, 2010 at 3:12pm
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Apparently military ship captains are still authorized to perform wedding ceremonies ... I looked it up <g>. I wonder if SHADO has a chaplain ... they should. Hmm, new story ... LOL
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Re: getting married in England
Reply #9 - Jun 28th, 2010 at 3:20pm
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Sudden thought on the blood tests: it's kinda like when you take a physical and answer no to the questions on what issues you have. The no answers stand for everything but STDs. Those are noted as "denies" not "does not have" ... silly doctors.

So, I think the SHADO Chaplain will be available for the wedding, just before the aliens show up, of course ... LOL

Makes my life easier and SHADO's I think. That way the funeral services would be handled as well.

Thanks for all the input!
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Trust no one.

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Re: getting married in England
Reply #10 - Jun 28th, 2010 at 3:22pm
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Bit like Hamlet eh? only in reverse... the funeral meats served the wedding party !

Can one combine a wedding and funeral.. that would save money!

I need some air.
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Re: getting married in England
Reply #11 - Jun 28th, 2010 at 6:05pm
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You can, but it's considered tacky
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UFO Rocks!

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Re: getting married in England
Reply #12 - Jul 5th, 2010 at 9:21pm
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Lightcudder wrote on Jun 28th, 2010 at 7:02am:
Blood tests? Why on earth would you need blood tests!

It's not just a US thing - they're still a requirement in France, for eg.
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We need to defend ourselves...

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Re: getting married in England
Reply #13 - Jul 15th, 2010 at 9:41pm
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Just a few little points: You do not have to be confirmed to get married - You just have to have attended the church in question for a perod of time before the ceremony.

The marriage licence, which belongs to the woman - it's her proof of legal change of name, is issued by a registrar in all cases, it's just that in Anglican Clergy are considered to be official Registrars. Some other religions need a separate Civil Registrar
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Re: getting married in England
Reply #14 - Jul 15th, 2010 at 10:37pm
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We're going to presume that all things have been done in a legal manner until the story says it wasn't and then we're going to let the SHADO Chaplain do the actual ceremony. (Occurred to me that as a military organization that loses people at a horrendous rate they really should have a chaplain, especially since they frequently don't have much of a body to deal with and they can't explain what happened to them even when they do. The number of vehicular accidents that eliminate the employees of Harlington-Straker Studios is insane. The insurance company hates them.)

Thanks for the info. Grin


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