Neesierie Colonel Offline Straker, somehow it's always about you. Posts: 990 Location: Fulton, MO March Challenge Feb 19th, 2011 at 4:02am Print Post Spring brings change in many forms: weather patterns, landscape colors, returning wildlife, etc. It would be fun to write a UFO story where a change occurs. It can be a small change (like Alec going on the wagon) or a medium change (like Foster coming out of the closet) or a huge change (like HQ being flattened by the enemy.) It's not necessary to use these ideas; they're just to get your imagination going. But change can be a really good thing or a really bad thing. You decide which it'll be for your story. But the most important thing is to have fun with it! The sky is not the limit; nor are the stars. WWW IP Logged
Write Rat MajorSHADO Research Offline Straker and his coffee. Posts: 356 Location: United States Re: March Challenge Reply #1 - Feb 19th, 2011 at 5:04am Print Post >>It would be fun to write a UFO story where a change occurs. << Blink. Blink. Apparently I already completed the March challenge. This is Straker speaking privately to Alec in a restaurant scene in my story Maelstrom: “It takes time to change, and time to accept change. Lately I’ve felt like I’m swept up in some damn maelstrom of change, without being given a single moment to really think about the significance of what’s happened to me.” Ed said quietly. IP Logged
Neesierie Colonel Offline Straker, somehow it's always about you. Posts: 990 Location: Fulton, MO Re: March Challenge Reply #2 - Feb 19th, 2011 at 10:23am Print Post Interesting! Is that story on this forum so that I can check it out? I just asked in another post if you're still writing UFO stories. I'm glad to see that you are. So does your 'Maelstrom' story have any similarities to Dragon's 'Maestrom'? Or is that just a coincidence? She let me take her android idea from that tale and use it for 'The Catalyst'. I was very grateful, especially since she never finished her story, and I wanted to know the end! The sky is not the limit; nor are the stars. WWW IP Logged
Write Rat MajorSHADO Research Offline Straker and his coffee. Posts: 356 Location: United States Re: March Challenge Reply #3 - Feb 19th, 2011 at 12:09pm Print Post ..So does your 'Maelstrom' story have any similarities to Dragon's 'Maestrom'.. I didn't know she'd done a story with that title. I started mine late last year and ended it a few days ago but I'm already doing corrections, sigh. I spotted a boo boo. The story isn't going up yet because my friend Nans needs to print it out so she can beta it. She beta's stuff at FanFiction. Where were you asking about me? Yup, unfortunately for some rigid souls, I'm still writing. IP Logged
Neesierie Colonel Offline Straker, somehow it's always about you. Posts: 990 Location: Fulton, MO Re: March Challenge Reply #4 - Feb 19th, 2011 at 1:01pm Print Post I'll watch for it. Thanks for the heads-up! Isn't it awesome to have a beta tester? Mine can be a real pain in the neck, but since I raised her, I can't complain too much. She doesn't let me get away with anything! But I'm always happier with the finished product because of her meddling, so I put up with her. Sometimes I even feel sorry for her, because she has to put up with me! The sky is not the limit; nor are the stars. WWW IP Logged
Neesierie Colonel Offline Straker, somehow it's always about you. Posts: 990 Location: Fulton, MO Re: March Challenge Reply #5 - Feb 19th, 2011 at 1:16pm Print Post Sorry. I got so caught up discussing beta testers that I forgot to ask more about your story. So, if it isn't up yet, you're welcome to add it to the challenge. From your quote alone I can tell that it will fit. I don't know yet what I'm going to write for this challenge. I have a story that's been wanting to be written and it does deal with change, but I don't know if that's where I want to go this time. We'll see what my brain throws at me in the next week. I may also return to Respitio and finish my Writer's series, since that story also deals with change. Hmmm. I hadn't realized it before, but this is a very broad topic, isn't it? That should make it fun! The sky is not the limit; nor are the stars. WWW IP Logged
Matt Colonel Offline Everyone at SHADO drinks coffee! Posts: 2391 Location: Coventry, RI Re: March Challenge Reply #6 - Feb 19th, 2011 at 3:39pm Print Post My current story kind of fits, doesn't it? Ed falling for Ginny, that's certainly going to be a big change. *grin* I'm so far behind on challenges right now I've given up trying to stay with them. If we get a good night this weekend I want to get out under the stars and get a few images of Saturn. It's rising around 8:00 now. So much to do, so little time. What do you mean, we're out of coffee! WWW IP Logged
Neesierie Colonel Offline Straker, somehow it's always about you. Posts: 990 Location: Fulton, MO Re: March Challenge Reply #7 - Feb 19th, 2011 at 11:18pm Print Post Such a sorry excuse! Come on, Matt! You'll have the whole month of March to write it. If you don't make it 15 chapters long, you'll have plenty of time to write it and any other story slated to be done next. It's an easy topic, after all. Go for it! The sky is not the limit; nor are the stars. WWW IP Logged
Matt Colonel Offline Everyone at SHADO drinks coffee! Posts: 2391 Location: Coventry, RI Re: March Challenge Reply #8 - Feb 20th, 2011 at 2:01am Print Post I break chapters at about 2500 words, give or take. My word count on my last story was over 30K, although that story had a lot going on. I try to keep it between twenty five and thirty thousand. I will try to come up with something. : What do you mean, we're out of coffee! WWW IP Logged
Neesierie Colonel Offline Straker, somehow it's always about you. Posts: 990 Location: Fulton, MO Re: March Challenge Reply #9 - Feb 20th, 2011 at 2:59am Print Post You're a sweetie for even letting me harass you. Thanks! The sky is not the limit; nor are the stars. WWW IP Logged
Matt Colonel Offline Everyone at SHADO drinks coffee! Posts: 2391 Location: Coventry, RI Re: March Challenge Reply #10 - Feb 20th, 2011 at 3:13am Print Post I try, BTW did you get the essay? What do you mean, we're out of coffee! WWW IP Logged
Neesierie Colonel Offline Straker, somehow it's always about you. Posts: 990 Location: Fulton, MO Re: March Challenge Reply #11 - Feb 20th, 2011 at 2:13pm Print Post Matt, I just read it! It was a great walk-through of the episode, but you didn't really discuss much of the time travel aspect. I wanted more discussion. To me, time travel is a very broad subject with many different ideas, pitfalls, and paradoxes. I think you should go further with your analysis and bring out more of what effects the time freeze had (if you think it had any) and why the aliens would have thought this was a good way to destroy the base. Don't get me wrong. This is an excellent essay and one I'd be proud to add to the Essays on Writing. I just don't feel that you've finished it yet. The sky is not the limit; nor are the stars. WWW IP Logged
Matt Colonel Offline Everyone at SHADO drinks coffee! Posts: 2391 Location: Coventry, RI Re: March Challenge Reply #12 - Feb 20th, 2011 at 2:15pm Print Post Did you see the revised one I sent you this morning? What do you mean, we're out of coffee! WWW IP Logged
Neesierie Colonel Offline Straker, somehow it's always about you. Posts: 990 Location: Fulton, MO Re: March Challenge Reply #13 - Feb 20th, 2011 at 2:20pm Print Post That's the one I read. I didn't check my emails till this morning when I saw your post here, so I got them all at the same time. When I saw that you had a revision, I just skipped to it and didn't read the original. Did I miss something important? The sky is not the limit; nor are the stars. WWW IP Logged
Matt Colonel Offline Everyone at SHADO drinks coffee! Posts: 2391 Location: Coventry, RI Re: March Challenge Reply #14 - Feb 20th, 2011 at 2:33pm Print Post Nope, I just wanted to know which one you had read, I'll go back later today and look at it again with a fresh mind. Thanks! What do you mean, we're out of coffee! WWW IP Logged